Who Will Win American Idol???

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Obviously, you can't count Kris out.

  • cognac

    Hey Minimus! How the heck are you? You hear I'm raising an apostababy?

  • minimus

    Good 4 u! Is the baby's name Judas or Nimrod or Jezebel?

  • truthseekeriam

    Go Adam!! That's for my pre teen:)

  • Mastodon

    Now that the douchebag is gone...


    if he doesn't I'm not watching anymore... until next season that is.. :p

  • minimus

    It's funny. This show is the #1 show and I swear people are embarrassed to say they watch it at all.

  • JWdaughter


    Who is Chris? I could only remember the cute girl, the Justin Timberlake dude and Adam. I remembered Adam's name, so he has to be the one!!! I love his voice, he seems versatile and warm and is memorable.

  • minimus

    Actually, Kris Allen is the name.

  • purplesofa

    I would really like to see Kris win.

    since he is from Arkansas!!!

    and I really like his voice and I like him as a person.

    I don't see any way that Adam will not win


    Danny's fans vote for Kris!!!!!

    There are cars everywhere around here, with writings on them saying things like Go Kris! Our Next American Idol!!

    I wish I had gone to see him when he performed in Little Rock last week, I was just too busy.

    I was really touched when he saw his Dad at his parents home, I think I have been by that house a long time ago, it's not far from here.

    I have rooted for Kris and Adam and Alison throughout the show, I do like Danny alot but was not my fav.


  • purplesofa

    Rolling Stone article on Lambert

    How Adam Lambert Single-Handedly Saved “American Idol”

    5/13/09, 2:16 pm EST

    American Idol is back on top, and it’s all one little black-leather-clad demon prince’s fault. For the past few seasons, Idol seemed to be dying of boredom, but Adam Lambert, a goth studlet with mascara, black nail polish and a falsetto from deep in the larynx of Lucifer, has single-handedly rescued the franchise. He can do sincerity and ridiculosity all at once, exactly the algorithm Idol has been striving for all these years. Lambert combines the different Idol archetypes, delivering the complete star thrill heretofore doled out one sliver at a time. He has the burning “say my name, bitch” thing of Chris Daughtry, the cutthroat vanity of a Carrie Underwood, but also that innocent desire to give pleasure à la Kelly Clarkson. He packs a whole Gong Show of Americana into one pair of striped spandex tights. (Savor the spandex and guyliner in these photos of Lambert’s finest Idolmoments.)

    Where the hell did they find this guy? There’s a “boy who fell to Earth” quality about him, like David Bowie’s Lady Stardust come to life. It’s a little hard to believe that, until a few months ago, he was toiling away as an obscure understudy in the L.A. production of Wicked. He’s easily the most fun Idol ever, a flam-bam-boyantly queeny California boy who has devoted his nights to making Midwestern housewives slobber into their tubs of Ben & Jerry’s Karamel Sutra. Whether he’s slutting up a rocker like “Born to Be Wild” (”wiii-eeee-iiyaaaiild!”) or sobbing his way through “Mad World,” he oozes pure awesome-stosterone.

    Having Adam around seems to cheer everybody up, including the other singers, who know the pressure’s off. Hell, even Simon looks happy. Yeah, it’s supposed to be a competition, but part of Glambert’s charm is that by removing all the bogus suspense from the show, he’s made it watchable again.

    We don’t know for sure if Glambert is gay — all he says is he has nothing to hide or deny — but if not, it’s the gayest embodiment of flaming youth by a straight guy since Bowie sold the world. Glambert plays off the new gay stereotype that has been reality TV’s gift to our culture: the hyperfunctional gay dude who has his shit together in contrast to all the neurotic, insecure straight guys around him. He reverses the joke from Mean Girls — he’s too gay not to function. Somewhere along the line, this has become an iconic gay image in the mainstream — seen more recently in I Love You, Man, where the only person with any confidence is the gay Andy Samberg character, who gets to be strong while all the straight boys are sulky little bitches. …

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