"Shall we just have a cigarette on it?"
by compound complex 41 Replies latest jw friends
Oh yes, I remember George. Makes me think of Westerns.
Wow guys, it's so late! Love you all, goodnight!!!
Thanks, Doh - will watch that one - looks good. Love Eddie G.
Oh Dangit Bizzy!!
Oh Dangit Bizzy!!
'Il por que?
Bette Davis is my all-time favorite!
Here's my favorite scene from one of my favorite Bette Davis movies, Of Human Bondage:
Of course, I love All About Eve and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? as well.
Bette Davis was ahead of her time. It must have been really hard being that strong back in those days.
"Now Voyager" is one of my all time favorites.
An oppressed woman with no self-esteem acquires courage, self-determination and sex.
A bit like a few of us on this board eh?
It is very much a movie of its time, as nowadays everybody would say that Jerry should leave his wife and shack up with Charlotte.
Whadaya do whadaya say?
Good Evening Coco!..I`ve never been much for Cigarette`s..I`m allergic to the smoke.........However..I do enjoy Cuban Cigars........Why I can tolerate one and not the other is a mystery.......................OUTLAW