Do the Elders try to advise members against using Facebook for some reason?? Curious.....
Does the WTS say Facebook is a bad thing?
by lavendar 24 Replies latest jw friends
The WTS does not like the internet. They say to guard against it. I think they would frown uopn it. Anything that takes you away from studing all the publications, field service,meeting attendence and personal prayer are advised against. I cannot tell you how many times my husband and I were counciled because we liked athletics. My husband is an avid runner (nationally ranked when he was in college) and like to get in an occasional race. You can guess how unhappy they were. It was bad for the congregation, may stumble someone. We did not tell people our business but people would see the race results in the paper, or see him on TV.
Geeez, megaflower.....can't a JW have ANY interests outside the Organization???? I know they are a extremely controling group, but can't a member have any hobbies or interests not religious-related??
Yes, JW's are warned against utilizing any avenue that may run the risk of running into things that are not appropriate for a faithful JW to lay their eyes upon. They also like to take the stance of everyone on the internet being a stranger, with no way of knowing if they are who they say they are or what their true motives are for being on the big bad internet, then they apply Psalm 26:4 to the aforementioned to bolster the rightness of their stance.
Lavender, take a good hard look at any JW you may come across and ask yourself one question, Do they look happy? For the most part they are little drones, robotic like movements. They have no life outside the organization because the WTS (cult) is their life. I love to garden and was counciled not to get side tracked by it. Yes, a garden is nice but do not let anything interfer with your service to Jehovah. We where always told to examine ourselves, our circumstances ,and ask ourselves one question, "Are you doing all that you can in your service to Jehovah, is it whole souled?"
I use to go to the gym quite often(nearly everyday) and got in trouble for that. I should have put some of that ttime in field service is what I was told. They where not happy with my response. I basically told them to go pound sand.
nah, im pretty sure they are geniunely happy. some here would like to believe they ARENT - but i know they are, i know I was.
however happy they are - the reasons WHY they are happy, and the things they believe in are the problem.
megaflower-I know this is slightly off topic but I wonder if the elders get on the obese and lazy people about their gluttony as much as they get on your husband for running? At least he's staying healthy! After all, gluttony is a sin! As far as facebook goes, I'm SURE it is frowned upon.
Fern, funny you should mention that because my husband and I use to say the same thing. We had many overweight ones in our hall, quite a few tipped the scale at 300 pounds and one was 400 plus pounds. Yes, gluttony in deed. I wonder if they where jealous because we could move freely,felt good physically and my husband looked great. He is tall(6'3'') and slender.
My Struggle
To answer the original question, yes Facebook/Myspace are bad. I don't know of anything that the WBTS has or has not said on the issue, but I know of one local congregation that banned it. It was addressed in a local needs part for the Russellville, Alabama congregation about two years ago, they said that if anyone had a profile on either site they would have to remove.
I dont know what the Wt feels about Facebook.
But yesterday I was worried about it.
I put my name in GOOGLE ( Grace Gough)
and all my face book stuff is on it/???
How did all this info about me get on it???
I didnt do it....