PARENTAL RIGHTS what EXCREMENT is that all about?
Parents do NOT own their child like a house a farm or a ring they can sell when they need the cash!!
Parents have NO RIGHTS over their children.
Parents have only DUTIES to those they have brought into the world. Their kids did not ASK to be here.
Duties to give them self esteem, coping skills, self confidence, the capacity to love, and see the world as a BEAUTIFUL place where there are no stone age gods out to get you if you go against some nomadic taboo.
isn't it strange that Parental "RIGHTS" are only ever invoked when it involves wasting a young life for the consciences of the deluded parent?
Oh and VIII - the witlesses had to refuse vaccinations when certain states made them compulsory. There is testimony on this site from youngsters of those days how their parents would use acid to FAKE vaccination scars. The ban was only lifted when NH Knorr wanted to do a world tour of the WTBTS conventions - and knew he would probably come back in a coffin without them.
The WT said " we cannot be held legally responsible for the conscientious decisions" of individual JWs on vaccination. (UNtil then it was VERBOTEN)