Which was first ,the American or the English ?
Why do American's pronounce herbs as 'erbs?
by yadda yadda 2 48 Replies latest jw friends
Which was first ,the American or the English ?
Latin, but American is the best iteration.
Luo bou to
Don't care how you pronounce it so long as you share let me have a toke too.
Microwaveable??? OUCH!!!!
The Berean
ell if I know!
As it's been pointed out, some British folks drop h's. That's why some American's do. I say humble, but in Texas congos, they pronounced humble as umble, which according my Webster's Collegiate dictionary was a lesser, but proper American pronunciation of the world.
Why do Brits pronounce schedule shedule?
If you go into select Appalachian regions, you will find British accents. I used to run into people in north Georgia that I thought were British. They were native Georgians, going back several generations. There are islands off the east coast of the US that have the same type of phenomenon.
Why do Australians over-pronounce "H"? When my Aussie wife says "HTML" it both excites and confuses me.
Oh, and Risotto ... it isn't Ris-OH-TOH ... listen to Gordon Ramsey 'cause he says it right.
Anyone claiming to write and speak English should just accept that the English get to decide what is right and what isn't.
If anyone is interested the differences are usually because the English has evolved and adapted (as it always has) and Amercian English is more like it used to be (but with some more immigrant language thrown in to the mix).
It's why we have shops and you have stores and so on.
There are more English speakers (as a native first language) in America than the rest of the world put together.
The way I see it, you foreigners better learn to toe the line and drop the "H".