Are Jehovah's Witnesses really honest people?
by asilentone 23 Replies latest jw friends
aligot ripounsous
I remember a brother who owned and ran a cleaning business and he went broke just because the JWs he would employ had plenty of other things, claimed as theocratic or not, to do during their working time and, of course, thought that a brother would not object to their doing so : drop a magazine on a route but also go to the post office, to the bank, etc.
I know this friend of mine, his brother-in-law hired a jw to do the bookkeeping.
after a year he found out she was punching in for 8 hours, and really work 3-4. during those others she was field servicing and doing errands
i also have a brother working for a pill company. his jw coworker got busted when they looked into his vans gps and found out he was making 2 hour pitstops at home
Sad emo
They're as honest as anyone else.
You get a mix of the whole spectrum from totally honest to totally dishonest regardless of any particular named grouping of humanity.
I have found JWs are prone to Scope Creep. They start out doing things right, then they try to get away with a little something... then they try to get away with a little more... then they let try even more. All the while justifying everything in their mind.
By the time it's over they make Bernard Madof look like a saint.
I can remember working among a bunch of those cockroaches. And they would waste more time arguing about the latest Washtowel study, or about what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger had to say about something. And, when they tried to get me involved, I would just tell them that, if it's that important to them, they should do the research themselves. Those witlesses sure know how to waste a lot of work time.
Scarred for life
Most of the JWs I have known have been very honest people. But based on my family, I would say that they many are lazy, unmotivated and not industrious. They don't care about "this world" because Jehovah is going to make it all better in the next world. They have no ambition.
Luo bou to
Of course they are. The WT says so...there the most honest people in all the world...Tell me does anyone know if they have locks on the doors in Bethel
Not in my experience. All the ones I have had dealings with (including relatives who were JW) took advantage of situations as much as they could and didn't perform as promised.
Above all other things, their loyalty is to Watchtower.