1975 was getting close......1975 was the Topic of the Day,for any JW during that time......Our Vancouver BC assembly was in full swing.......Pretty JW Girls wandered the area looking for Cute Guys like me!..LOL!! ......My best friends Annointed,Apostate Dad,was outside the Assembly with a Bullhorn..Telling everyone about WBT$ lies..We all thought he was crazy,we were right!..LOL!!........................JW Assemblys in those days,were huge events..Nothing like today..Local media always showed up.................It was the 2nd day of the Assembly..The 2nd day had ended..We went home and turned the TV,to the New`s..............The Local TV station was covering our Assembly..The announcer said JW`s believed Armageddon would be here by 1975......Right at that moment,I knew I did`nt believe that.....I was supposed to believe it,but I did`nt..................Have you ever had a similar experience,with any Jehovah`s Witness Beliefs?.....................................OUTLAW
...I Don`t Believe That!!...
by OUTLAW 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So..Has anyone ever been faced with what the WBT$ says you should believe and realized you don`t believe that?........It does`nt have to be about 1975.......1975 was just an Example.......It`s about "any" WBT$ Belief`s,you realised you did`nt believe....................................OUTLAW
About 5 or 6 years before I began fading there was an incident going on in our congregation. There was a huge amount of inappropriate behaviour from an elder and a ministerial servant in our congregation. It would take pages to tell it all. Anyway, there was a secret revolt of sorts by a lot of the publishers and the other ministerial servants and elders (there were only 5 servants and 3 elders altogether in the congregation to start with). It ended up that there was going to be a hearing by a society appointed elder from another congregation and anybody that wanted to could give evidence. During the lead up to the hearing there was so much secret stuff going on - sisters getting together in the toilet during the meetings and planning what they were going to say at the hearing, or getting others involved and talking them into going along to give evidence. The same thing was happening with brothers. I was aware of so much of this going on as my hubby was one of the ms's in the so-called revolt. Many came around to our house to get their evidence together.
I remember sitting at a Sunday meeting watching some of the goings on during this time period when the thought hit me - there is no way that jehovah's spirit and jesus etc are running these congregations and making sure they are clean. It was ridiculous.
Anyway the hearing was held and the two got a rap over the knuckles. Well during the course of that evening nearly all the other elders and servants rang the PO and resigned. So the next morning there was another hearing with the two and they were told to quit or be deleted. They stood down. All the revolters (about 75% of the congretation) were happy and the rest thought it was unfair - they were the friends of the elder and servant. We were assured that the elder who had to stand down would never be made an elder again - at least for 5 years. That was from the bethel appointed elder leading the hearing. Well guess what - the deleted elder upped and move to another congregation and before 18 months were up he was appointed elder again and in a short time was the PO.
That was the nail in the coffin for me as far as the WT teaching that elders and servants are appointed by god's holy spirit. It was all downhill for me from there as far as believing the WT lies.
HopScotch..Perfect!!..That is the sort of story I`m looking for.......Things all of us have experienced,in different ways..Storys we can share with each other...........Storys that let us all know,we are not alone.......................OUTLAW
I always had trouble believing that God didn't know that Adam and Eve were going to eat the fruit. Isn't he supposed to know everything?
Never could see what the fuss was about birthdays. THat reasoning always looked a bit like grasping at straws.
Had trouble believing that my elder husband (ex) was more spiritual than me just because he was a charismatic speaker...
And as for all the stuff about women in the congregation......AARRGGGHHH...dont get me started.
The October 2005 Watchtower did it for me. It was the Watchtower that tightened the screws on higher education again and the whole tone of the rag was condescending and patronizing. I sat through that study gettng angrier and angrier. People sitting near me could hear me mumbling "what a load of crap" under my breathe (I was only just whispering) Couldn't stand the tripe any longer and walked out the hall before the end. Left the shredded Watchtower in the car park to blow in the breeze....
Oh yeah...I forgot the one on higher education.......that always gets me too.
Shouldn't that just raise alarm bells in everyone? The idea that the more educated you become the more likely you are to give up 'the truth'?
Recently my mum said to me that I 'have' to start going back to meetings again, cos the longer you don't go, the more you will start to think you don't need the meetings. Exactly! Can't she see that if you have to attend regular brain washing sessions in order to keep on believing...there's something wrong.
I remember sitting at a convention in the mid nineties and speaker from the gb said "be like birds that fly in formation. They don't think (independantly) they just act." The point being, don't question the wbts, just follow without thought. I remember looking at my wife and she had the wtf? look.
The rest of the mob just sat there not even noticing that chilling statement. I actually questioned "friends" afterward and not one picked up his words.
As gets said here often, pass the Koolaid!
Hey I was at that assembly, yeap that is what happened! So your father was the crazy guy with the horn in one hand and the WT in his other hand! Yeap! I was at that assembly! I remember the newpapers reports the next day.
As far as doctrines, This generation will no means pass away until the end will come. I asked the PO how did he know it was this generation?
I never believed the Wacky stuff about Bible prophecies being fulfilled by the bible Students/WT in the 1920's,always at Cedar Point Ohio, and I used to loudly say so,and no one tried to convince me it was true,so I guessed others agreed with me.
In the 1980's my Mum got wind of Ray Franz and others leaving,and she said,
"They don't believe in 1914 !"
I thought to myself,"I am not sure I do"
But it still took another 25 years or so for thick little me to fully wake up! what a numb-nuts I am!