What crazy demonstrations did you see on the Service Meeting?

by BonaFide 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    We had one Serv. Mtg. part where "Doctor Theocratic" was at his desk asking for the next patient.

    The first patient would describe some problem of anxiety and weight-gaining and Doctor Theocratic would recommend auxiliary pioneering with lots of door-to-door for exercise.

    The next patient would describe fatigue from overworking and Doctor Theocratic would recommend simplifying his life by cutting out some luxuries, then using that time to regularly attend meetings and study with his family.

    There were more patients, but you get the idea.

    By the way, the craziest demonstrations would be presentations where the householder gives a mindless "Really?" to whatever the JW says and accepts the literature and agrees to the return visit- In other words, the typical demonstration is crazy.

  • WTWizard

    My former congregation was quite unimaginative. About the best they could come up with is missing boasting sessions. They had the illustration of hanging onto a rope that represents your life--each boasting session is one finger. Each boasting session you skip represents one finger you are not using to hang onto that rope.

    Trouble is, once I clicked onto an apostate web site, I was able to climb right back onto solid ground and let go of the damn rope altogether, and much more securely at that. Now, if only the rope would break or come loose--their hands clenching the rope would do no good.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    looks like american j-dubs have more fun than us brits :(

    not that it bothers me anymore :)

  • truthsetsonefree

    When I was maybe seven or eight we had one where a brother was slowly leaving the truth. So this brother (who had a few pounds to spare) was thrown a rope and different people were called from the audience to tug on this rope to pull him back in. I was the last called, maybe to show that even the kids had a part to play. Anyway after much feigned struggling we got this guy back in. There were many others such as having door to door presentations given at actual doors like the mike room next to the stage or the literature room also near the stage. Sometimes I remember those demos when I think of the good times I had as a dub and the lengths JW's will go to try and make those boring meetings a little more palatable.

  • undercover

    One of the old timers still had his phonograph and some records from the old days when they used to knock on doors and play a record. So one Service Meeting he brought it in, set it up and played some of the records. They were so scratchy and of poor quality I couldn't tell what was being said, but all the dubs seemed to just glow with pride being in the same room with one of the early colporteurs.

    Some of the experiences I'm reading reminds of a brother who had a knack for public speaking and being humorous. He used humor and funny antidotes to get his points across. He was well liked and asked to give lots of talks and parts. Then we were assigned a particularly stodgy old CO and he didn't see any humor or appeal to this brother's style. He counseled him on going beyond the Society's outlines and instructions and was accused of trying to make a name for himself instead of Jehovah (read: the Society). The poor brother was a bit stumbled by the counsel and later stepped down as an elder and eventually moved away. I've thought of him a few times, he was one of the good guys. I hope he found out the truth about the "truth" and has been able to move on and use his talents to his benefit.

  • Kinjiro

    I will never forget the ones that had to do with preaching under persecution! This sister would approach a person, preach... the person would report her... and she would have pants rolled under her skirt, a tshirt under her blouse... she would reach into her bag and turn it inside out and put on a hat... and voilá! no one would recognize her... Viva Las Vegas!

  • loosie

    Undercover... my mother has a phonograph and those crappy heavy records, where the judge is yelling/preaching. she used to play them when she would have bros and sisters over for dinner. I was so embarrassed.

    We had one part on the service meeting where an elder giving the talk held up a banana and a MS (who wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed) ran up from the audience and grabbed the banana and ran out the side door, grunting like a gorllia all the way. I think the part had somethign to do with evolution. But the funny thing was this elder picked the MS who didn't yet evolve, completely.

  • JWdaughter

    Ok, it's official. I had the most boring US congregation imaginable! Sigh!

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Well, I was in 3 congregations and they were all tied as the most boring. I might still be a JW if we had had meetings as entertaining as these!


  • oompa

    undercover....i hope you will find the ol bro........that sucks..........and yet.....the chances of him wakin up a prob damm slim...........oompa

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