How Does a Jehovah's Witness Prove Their Faith

by passwordprotected 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LouBelle

    By using their publications.

  • passwordprotected

    @ wobble, yeah I noticed my mistake, I'll need to get the freeminds guys to edit that part.

  • Gladring

    Hi Mark,

    I think your blog and article is well written and the arguments sound. My concern is that a JW reading it would just go "Of course I obey Jesus, and see how much Jesus trusts the Governing Body - he has appointed them over all his belongings. If Jesus trusts them, shouldn't I."

    I just find you get nowhere arguing with a JW. As a wise person told me recently "If you try and take something away from somebody, they only hold on tighter." In my personal experience I have found that just being nice to a JW works better than anything. They are primed to think that "apostates feigning love may try to lead you away from God's organisation". If you don't try to argue with them it is going against that false stereotype.

    That said, for those who have no commitment to the religion, your article will certainly innoculate against future infection.

  • passwordprotected

    @ gladring, I hear you - thanks for the feedback.

    There are some JWs out there who are uncomfortable with the prominence the Governing Body/FDS give themselves. However, they may not fully realise that their discomfort comes from what it actually published in the magazines and that what is published is completely unscriptural.

    My articles are more for JWs who are already wrestling with their doubts and issues. You're right, it's almost impossible to reach a hard core JW.

  • mindmelda

    I think it might be good in conjuction with this very good question why the "hard core" Witnesses are so hard core. It can't be any one thing, but perhaps an individual "hook" for them.

    I enjoyed the blog, by way. Been reading most of them at the freeminds site.

    I think believing you're among "chosen of God" is a big lure, for example. I've often heard Witnesses wonder out loud "why did Jehovah choose me to be of his small select group of those who are going to survive" or when I was being love-bombed, Witnesses would often tell me that God must really love me because he chose to "reveal the truth to me" out of so many others.

    So, for a lot of people, it's just wanting to be what we call on the internet "A speshull snowflake". The psychology of this fascinates me, I have to admit.

    I don't argue with die hard Witnesses or die hards of any mindset because they will do anything to be right. Being right is another huge lure for some people, they love the idea that they've found the only "right" religion and can "prove" it to everyone.

    Don't argue with crazy people is one of my firm tenets in life now. *G*

  • Finally-Free

    By giving up all personal rights and sacrificing identity to the watchtower.


  • still_in74

    androb 31 has it spot on! - AND notice that there is not a single item that says you need to love Jehovah.

    you could hate Jehovah and still be "righteous" to the org because the org defines righteousness by works not faith. As long as you appear righteous by living up to the orgs standards then that is all you need....

  • wobble

    Dear Password, I am sure you are right about some being uncomfortable with the prominence the GB/FDS gives itself.

    I remember thinking years ago, "I wish they would stop crowing about how they were right about 1914,what about all the stuff they were wrong about? I wish 1914 would be proved wrong"

    Both my wishes came true!! I wish now I had articles like yours to read back then, I would have left much sooner, keep on at it!



  • reniaa

    just give me a bible :)


  • slimboyfat
    just give me a bible :)

    You haven't got one yet? Explains a few things I suppose...

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