About 12 months ago I ordered the book. I thought I was sinning against God - showing a lack of faith in Him and in his organization. I prayed to Jah to forgive me but I was curious as to why a person, who spent over 50 years in full time service, was of the anointed and served on the governing body left "Gods Organization". Well what a shock I was in for!
Mrs Lukewarm and I are still active JW's (family reasons), mentally disconnected from the religion and are becoming increasingly indifferent about the treadmill of works the organization prescribes.
As our decision comes to the pointy end, I have been thinking about the many friends we have in the "truth". I want to help them become aware of the real "truth" while we are still around as they wont be as receptive when we start to fade...
I find that asking questions starts them on the road of thinking for themselves instead of the 'Boys in Writing' doing all their thinking for them.
We have liberal discussions, and as we have all been raised in the "truth" they readily acknowledge that they would probably never have become witnesses if exposed to JW via the preaching work as adults.
Been using the watchtower recently (sometimes during or right after the meeting or sending them SMS or email) asking my friends something like: Did you notice XYZ in paragraph 11? How did they come up with that when the Bible says ABC...
There is so much to talk to them about and I am using every opportunity to tactfully introduce some truth about the "truth" I have meditated on, comparing it to the Bible. They listen, process the information and agree with what I am saying.
Conversation starters:
Organ transplants - people died for what when they were banned in the 60's? Blood fractions - why ok to use donated blood and where did they come up with the approved fractions list?
Why is preaching work urgent when half of world's population is not being witnessed to? How will God judge these people? What is our 30 second presentation really achieving? Is God going to judge people on the basis of listening to our magazine presentation? Why are we preaching a different 'good news'?
"Generation" teaching - new light in 95 that it related not to 1914 but to wicked people living at a certain time, then in 2008 changed that to the "anointed"? Did God reveal error to them? How could they be wrong if they are directed?
Why do they stress works when bible says that salvation is gods GIFT through faith in Jesus? Will belonging to an organization save us or faith in Christ and living as best we can to please God?
Why do we need to report our "service" time to anyone - Didn't Jesus teach that worship is between the individual and God? etc etc...
They agree and realise that we would be in trouble if the "elders" found out about out discussions and say jokingly that we are "bad" and rebellious witnesses and that Jah will destroy us.
I want to stop the 'drip feeding' and introduce them to "Crisis of Conscience" as this will educate them about the issues better than I ever can and help them in making an informed decision about their own situation.
They are decent people who see the errors in the organization but are misled (as I once was) in believing they are in "Gods organization". The book will shatter that illusion for them just as it did for me.
My worry is, if I loan them my copy of the book and it results in a troubled conscience or marital problems because one partner is more attached to the organization and go to the elders for help, I may be implicated as the provider of the material and face judicial action which I do not want.
Is it better to arouse their curiosity by stating that I have become aware that a governing body member has left the organization after 50 years of service, was unfairly disfellowshipped and has since published a book which I want to read as it details what happened...hopefully they may do their own research and order the book!
Advice please: Would you loan your copy of Crisis of Conscience to your JW friends or create awareness/curiosity about its existence?
by LUKEWARM 19 Replies latest jw friends
Crisis of Conscience is only going to do any good when folks are GOOD and READY to read it! It is difficult if not impossible to determine if someone ELSE is ready... especially when the party in question is still "in."
Have you read the Hassan books? Best approach is cognitive dissonance.
Very important: Your passion about your newly found TRUTHS will alienate them.
Best wishes to all.
Baba. -
Have you read Steve Hassan's first book, 'Combatting Cult Mind Control'?
Discovering that the organization is not what you thought it was is one part of the situation. The mind control dominating your friends is another part.
Please prepare to have minimal or negative results when sharing Franz's book with active JWs. It's spiritual pornography -- pure evil -- to them.
Black Sheep
No. Wait for them to offer it to you.
I find that asking questions starts them on the road of thinking for themselves instead of the 'Boys in Writing' doing all their thinking for them.
Keep doing that while you are able to.
Once you set off their alarm bells they will turn their brains off every time you open your mouth.
If I had my time over again, I would play that game until I was the last family member still in. Then I would give them COC.
I understand how you feel.
Many people have read my copy of CoC.
I have it loaned out now to a person that quit going to the meetings. He still firmly believes.
He is the only person I gave the book to that I felt apprehensive in doing so.
I have not talked to him for months, and I often wonder if he has gone back
and if the whole congo knows I gave him the book. It's one thing for me to come to the conclusions I have
on my own, but I really don't want to be thought of as pushing apostacy on another. I respect others beliefs
as I want to be respected for mine.
Use caution.
I don't have any JW friends, so that's a short answer. No!
That book's too good for any Jehovah's Witness I know. Not only wouldn't I supply them with the book, I wouldn't even tell them about it. -
What about donating a copy to your local library? This makes it possible for people who are interested in the book or those who are just curious to take a look without having to buy their own copy. Also, there may be some (Witnesses, relatives, bible studies) who want to research Jehovah's Witnesses beyond the WTBTS publications that could come across this book.
Has anyone ever tried this?
Another thing to keep in mind is that Crisis of Conscience can be ordered online in PDF format, so it is possible to buy someone a copy and email it to them with the hope that this could afford them more privacy. This would be especially useful if they have Witness relatives or roommates. There are also several sample chapters available online for free and some Wikipedia articles reference and quote from these extensively.
When I first found Wikipedia articles talking about Ray Franz and links to sample chapters of CoC I stayed away from them for months. When I finally did work up the courage and the curiousity the material was immediately available to me privately and in a format that didn't require me to take a significant risk (no disclosing of personal info).
How did everyone else come across Crisis of Conscience? Were you still a devoted Witness or were you already having serious doubts?
Oh, how I wish you were in my mom's congregation. After I read Hassan's Combatting Cult Mind Control, I thought of so many avenues to reach her. Sadly, she's shunned me for more than 20 years.
Hmmm....thank you for a very intelligent and thoughtful post. What an exciting adventure you have ahead of you! Scary, yes - what adventure isn't? I almost envy you the luxury of the careful approach you are taking to assure the best possibly outcome - those of us who left pre-internet did not have as much support or ammunition.
Vetting is a term much in use in political circles these days and may be appropo to your question. Establishing bona fides - have these people expressed themselves in a way that you think they might appreciate CofC? I wouldn't give it to anyone who hasn't put something on the table.
Think of ham and eggs - the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed. Unless you feel (with what I am sure is good judgment) that it will be in the right hands, play your cards close to the vest.
What about donating a copy to your local library? This makes it possible for people who are interested in the book or those who are just curious to take a look without having to buy their own copy. Also, there may be some (Witnesses, relatives, bible studies) who want to research Jehovah's Witnesses beyond the WTBTS publications that could come across this book.
Has anyone ever tried this?
Yes I did. I donated CoC and Christian Freedom to my local library. I look on the shelf now and again and they're regularly checked out. I'm very pleased about that.