July 2009 Awake (Other Interesting Quote)

by Interested Observer 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Interested Observer
    Interested Observer

    I know this article was brought up with respect to the statement it contains regarding the fact that religion should not divide a family. I finally got to read it and I found something more interesting a few paragraphs earlier. The article states:

    Instead of presenting all religions as equal approaches to God, the Bible tells its readers not to believe everything they but to "test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God." (1 John 4:1) For example, any teaching that truly originates with God must be in harmony with his personality, including his dominant quality of love. -1 John 4:1

    The Bible assures us that God wants us to "really find him." (Acts 17:26, 27) Since our Creator wants us to search for truth, it cannot be wrong to act on the evidence that we find - even if this means changing our religion.

    When read in conjunction with the statement regarding religion not dividing families, this article seems to be a not some cryptic way of telling Witnesses to go test the organization.

    I am not sure if this was brought up before, but it is something that I found interesting.

    Here is a link to the topix site where you can find a link to the actual articles.


  • carla

    Wouldn't a jw simply answer that they already have 'searched' and found truth? and there is no need to research as the brothers in NY already have done that for them?

    Thanks for pointing out the quotes. Can always use them with jw's to point out it's ok to test, may not get far but a seed may land anyway.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Welcome Interested Observer ...

    the Bible tells its readers not to believe everything they but to "test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God."

    I'm only guessing, but I'd think that JWs interpret that as 'the GB have already done the necessary testing - we are truly blessed we don't have to bother'. JWs are actively discouraged from studying the Bible alone....

    ...or are you thinking that someone in the writing department is encouraging the R&F to question their beliefs? <shock, horror >

  • carla

    oops! Yes! Weclome! Welcome! didn't notice it was a first post.

  • Interested Observer
    Interested Observer

    I think it demonstrates a blaring hypocrisy especially for those who were raised in the organization. Your statement may be true for those who have had converted because they have had the opportunity to try and "test" different religions. For those born in the organization, you are not afforded the opportunity to look and "test the inspired expressions" unless you want to face dire consequences.

    I find the statement pretty telling us that it cannot be wrong to act on evidence we find - even changing religion.

  • Interested Observer
    Interested Observer

    Sorry I am typing rather quickly so I haven't had the opportunity to review what I wrote before I post them. I know the second paragraph is a garbled mess.

    My opinion is that there is a difference between faith and testing. Growing up a witness, you are basically required to put faith in the organization, and told not to test it. That is why I think the paragraphs are so hypocritical, how can encourage testing if you organization prohibits it.

  • leavingwt

    Welcome to the forum, Interested Observer.


  • Interested Observer
    Interested Observer

    Thanks everyone for welcoming me. I have been coming to the site for a while, but now have finally decided to participate.

  • dinah

    I am the proud owner of this particular magazine. Thanks, Mom!!

    I am now learning all about the Energy Efficient Boxfish. Some great tips on dealing with depression as well. Tip for ya: If you're depressed, get out of that freaking cult and you will feel better. There are also some driving tips. I guess they don't want any Dubs to run someone over whilst out in service.

    An nice article to the kids about sharing their faith so they can look even more freaky.

    Going to find some matches.

  • undercover

    Welcome IO...

    this article seems to be a not so.. cryptic way of telling Witnesses to go test the organization.

    I've wondered this as well.

    I keep coming up with two possible scenerios-

    1- It's a PR piece so they can show authorities in various lands that they do encourage everyone to test out the faith and they don't divide families. They'll present this as evidence A while opposers will present evidence B, C, D, E, F,...Z.

    2- It's as you noted: a sneaky way of this particular writer of communicating to JWs to do some research. Don't take the GB at their word.

    For those who are a little more conspiratorial minded - theres this thread that speaks of possible issues within the writing department - http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/175732/1/Unconfirmed-Issues-at-WT-HQ-and-Chicago where in this statement is made:

    Alleged issues at the WT writing department...the WT writing department has recently “dismissed” a number of staff writers because of apparent issues/ problems with their “views”.

    Of course, that little tidbit is hearsay. Just an uncomfirmed rumor. Normally I don't put too much stock in those things, but having seen this article myself and then seeing this, it does make me wonder...

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