I know this article was brought up with respect to the statement it contains regarding the fact that religion should not divide a family. I finally got to read it and I found something more interesting a few paragraphs earlier. The article states:
Instead of presenting all religions as equal approaches to God, the Bible tells its readers not to believe everything they but to "test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God." (1 John 4:1) For example, any teaching that truly originates with God must be in harmony with his personality, including his dominant quality of love. -1 John 4:1
The Bible assures us that God wants us to "really find him." (Acts 17:26, 27) Since our Creator wants us to search for truth, it cannot be wrong to act on the evidence that we find - even if this means changing our religion.
When read in conjunction with the statement regarding religion not dividing families, this article seems to be a not some cryptic way of telling Witnesses to go test the organization.
I am not sure if this was brought up before, but it is something that I found interesting.
Here is a link to the topix site where you can find a link to the actual articles.