The way the Jehovah's Witnesses treat us is so bizarre - you couldn't make this stuff up ! Have I ever had two weeks from JW hell. At least I can laugh about it !
So I parked at the bank and as I was getting out of my truck my JW's daughter's mother in law ( also JW ) was walking to her truck. We were parked facing each other and as she was about 20 feet away I noticed she saw me but would not speak ! She had this angry / fearful look on her face like , " Oh $hit. It's Mr. Flipper. What am I gonna do ? " So you know me ! I was proactively friendly ! I said, " Is that so and so ( her name ) ? " She grunted, " Yeah ". I asked her how her husband is doing, and not missing a beat as she didn't stop opened her door and hurried into her truck saying, " He's alright , " with a cold hateful look on her face. I just kept smiling and turned and walked into a store next to the bank.
When I came out of the store she was still parked in front of me talking on her cell phone. ( Possibly gossipping about seeing her " apostate " father ? ) I just drove off knowing I was polite and she wasn't.
This same witness woman treated me and Mrs. Flipper nice at her son and my daughters wedding 3 years ago - however that was in front of other witnesses watching where they have to give a good appearance . But if you get witnesses off by themselves - their true colors show up because they don't have to impress anybody - so they treat you like hardened cow dung. Amazing. I just shrugged it off and chuckled. Have you folks experienced different treatment like this when witnesses are off by themselves ? As always - I look forward to hearing from you.
( P.S. By the way this morning I saw my JW ex-wife and her JW husband at the other side of the gas pump I was using pumping gas. I was 10 feet away and they didn't say a thing. I think they saw me and high tailed it out of there before I could say anything ! Hilarious ! ) Peace out, Mr. Flipper