Prim reaction from you

by beroea 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • beroea

    You who post here are just a weak and frustrating person with no real life. You try to be good by attaching all others.


    Read Luke 6:29. That’s a hard one.

    Get the point?


  • Amazing

    Hi Beroea: Luke 6:29 ... "And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also."

    What is your point? - Amazing

  • beroea

    To Amazing

    How do you react on provocations and the evil face? How do people stop fighting?


  • ISP

    Hey beroa dude I am prepared to turn the other cheek to ya.


  • Amazing

    Hi Beroea: You asked, "How do you react on provocations and the evil face? How do people stop fighting?"

    Excellent questions! And I might add, questions that have been around since the beginning of human civilization --- and have never been fully answered --- at least not to the point of any real lasting substantive action.

    I suspect the roots of fighting, over-reaction, and war are found in one person or group feeling they have the need, right, divine direction to try and dominate their fellow human.

    The conundrum is in how we choose to respond when attacked. Jesus and Ghandi set in motion 'peaceful' resistance. This can and does work, after many years of standing firm on principle, suffering injustice, and extreme patience.

    I also believe that there comes a point where patience must end, where 'peace' is no longer appropriate, and suffering injustice must eventually be equalized by an end to suffering and accountability of those responsible for injustice.

    I too think that "degree" is also a major factor. If I live in a neighborhood where I am subject to periodic petty theft, then passive resistence is likely the best along with working with the police. Or, when debating on this forum with someone who is difficult, then patience and kindness is best.

    But, in the case of a major attack by fanatics --- such as the World Trade Center --- then, war is the only way to settle it.

    " ... a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace." - Eccl. 3:8

    Even God at recognizes that at times "war" is the only way. - Amazing

  • beroea

    My children was having a big fight this afternoon. Instead of pointing out this wrongdoing and shouting at them, I decides to read LUKE 6:29. It’s really works. We discussed how fighting must stop with a deciding not making revenge. If we decided not to react on provocations from others we are doing our small part to get peace among each other. Maybe not making a total change but a beginning.

    This time they anyway stop fighting for 2 hours. That’s a start.


  • ChimpGirl

    Are you a real person? Well, congratulations on getting your kids to stop fighting, anyway. That sounded like an attack on the people on this board, what you wrote. Was it meant to be?

  • unclebruce

    G'day Beroea,

    I've apologized to more people than a man carring three beers on a New Years Eve harbour cruise and turned more cheeks than a barn full of Jesus but stop argybargy on a JW Discussion board? Yeah, great idea, I'll cock and load, you shoot. Go on, take a shot at those big bully boys cowering in the corner lol.


    PS: What's Pauls New Testement got to do with anything here? It's the depressed atheists who are the trouble makers i tell ya!

    PSS: Goodluck with the childrens. My girls grew up into fine young ladies with just a few simple rules you won't find in the bible. EG: #1: We don't raise our voices in the house (that meant i could read in peace anytime ;)

  • closer2fine

    Go Away..


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    Yes, "people stop fighting" when the victim turns the other cheek to the agressor and the agressor kills the victim. go therefore and do likewise, and inherit the six feet of earth heaped up over your face.

    Good strategy!

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