*** w25 3/1 pp. 69-73 Birth of the Nation ***
Michael, who is Christ the Lord, has been present since 1874, but he did not interfere with Satan. He remained silent until his right to rule had come. Satan’s right had expired in 1914....It is inconsistent to think that Jesus, the righteous One, would take his power to reign in heaven and permit the devil to remain there; and he did not. Both Satan and his angels, namely, his official family, his invisible joint-rulers, were hurled down to the earth. That fight must have begun in 1914. Just how long it lasted the Scriptures do not indicate....Do not the physical facts bear witness that since 1914 there has been a greater element of wickedness in the earth than ever before, and that this wickedness is on the increase? Crimes, wickedness indescribable, and ascribable to none other than the devil’s influence, have become a common thing in the past few years....
Satan and his official family must have been hurled out of heaven to the earth some time after 1914 and before 1918. After this battle, he must have been so dazed for some time that he did not realize what had happened to him. This is indicated by verse thirteen: "And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth." This shows that it required for him some time to wake up to the fact. When he did arouse himself to this fact, he realized that the woman (Zion, God’s organization, which brought forth the new kingdom) still had some people in the earth; and he set about to persecute God’s organization on earth. Beginning in the Fall of 1917 (which is rcally the beginning of 1918) Satan began to marshal his forces to persecute those of God’s organization, Zion, pictured by the woman.
In the spring of the year 1918 this persecution became so great that many of the Lord's children of Zion were imprisoned and some killed. The SOCIETY, doing the Lord’s work, was disrupted, its officers imprisoned, and the entire Church restrained and greatly discouraged. With the happening of these events, brought about by Satan and his earthly representatives, evidently Satan reasoned that he was rid of this pestiferous company that stood in his way and exposed his wickedness....
From 1878 to 1914 the people of Zion were expecting the birth of the new nation. At the same time the dragon stood by, waiting to devour whatsoever was born. In 1914 the birth of the nation occurred. In 1914 the war in heaven began, and Satan and his official family were thrown out of heaven. In 1918, after Satan recovered from his dazed condition, he set about to persecute the members of the Church on earth. In 1918 he caused the imprisonment of the officers of the SOCIETY and others. On March 26th, 1919, these were released from prison; and the Church (representing the woman) there fled into the wilderness for 1260 literal days. From March 27th, 1919, to September 8th, 1922, inclusive was exactly 1260 days, at the end of which period the remnant of the Church on earth makes a bold proclamation of its allegiance to the King and his kingdom, and announces its determination to begin and press the fight against Satan's empire until it is excluded from the earth.