Here's my take on XMAS, and other traditionally, popular holidays:
There are so many every day things in life that are from other than biblical origins. Therefore, while wedding rings, days of the week, costumes, and other things are from the ancient past, I am not necessarily bothered since modern people do not actually bown down, prostrate and begin praying and giving homage to these things.
The only reason I personally avoid holidays is because I just don't like to be placed on anybody's schedule, but my own! It's my own human right to decide when I want to give gifts, when I want to celebrate and I just don't like the majority deciding for me and placing it on my calendar.
I am so wary of anything that contains even a tiny hint of organizational influence and group dynamics that I just shy away and avoid all of the fuss. I enjoy hassle-free simple, uncomplicated living. Following traditions is a hassle. I can show love anytime I want without prejudice.
So, holidays represent mass conformity to me and too much popularity.