Oh ya ....
Time and again I have seen the nepotism in action.
Here's one way it works. Family heads in control of the congregation make sure that their impressionable children are publically praised and featured as often as possible in demonstrations, planned comments, assembly parts, etc. Kids love the attention.
As time goes by they are given as many priveleges as possible ... microphones, parking attendants etc. The hook is that as long as the offspring "obey their parents" and keep climbing the ladder, they are given outside benefits like clothes, cars, and mad money. If they don't coform, the "hassel' begins. Adolecents go along with that program ...
Next, Elders make certain that fledgelings are entirely dependent upon the family and recieve no prepartion for the real world. Now they are trapped .... hooked on attention, recieving benefits, and totally dependant. Add to that a decent-looking "spiritual" female to replace Mom and breed the next generation and you have the makings of a dynasty. and if Dad has enough money to help the newlyweds buy a house, the deal is almost aleays permanently sealed.The sad part is that those in the congregation without such sponsorship are ignored and forgotten ...