After all the negative reviews on here and elsewhere when this movie came out, I forego going to see it in the theater. I rented it today and watched it, and I must say I regret not seeing it in the theater. I liked it well. It was based much more on the characters and their motivations in this movie than in the last movie, but it was very interesting. Anyone else like it?
X Files: I Want to Believe
by John Doe 27 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
Guess not.
I thought it was decent. I wasn't blown away though.
I really want to go through and rewatch all the X-Files episodes.... that shouldn't take too long. What are there, 200 episodes? lol
John Doe
I started watching them last fall, and I'm almost through the 3rd season. At this rate, I'll be done in a couple years. lol
I loved The X Files, hated this film though - lacked the snap crackle pop of the series and film No 1
All I remember from the X-files is a scene where Scully and Mulder are running through dark tunnels, climbing up to the surface of an ice field, and then a huge flying saucer taking off behind them.
What in the world was I watching?
I believe you're describing a scene close to the ending of the first X-Files movie: Fight the Future.
That UFO was the location Scully was kept, if I understood it correctly.
I haven't watched it yet. I heard it wasn't so good.
I love the X-Files. We have the whole series.
John Doe
If you liked the series, you'll like the movie.
Nastiest X-Files ever:
The episode about the Peacock family (their last name, they were not birds).
Anyone remember?
Their parents were in an automobile accident (or something) and the mother lost all her limbs and the brothers kept her on a little cart under the bed and they would breed with her and she kept having inbred, mutant babies. Scully and Mulderr came on the scene cause someone reported alien abaies beign found (dug up) in this corn field. The field was where the Peacock's were burying all the babies that died.
I saw this when my parents were visiting me and we were all in a hotel watching tv. We could *not* stop watching, it was so gross. even the cinematography was disturbing, all shot in dark light... ugh.
So, as a momento of the visit I got my mom a coffee mug with a peacock (bird) on it. Sent it to her when she got home.