Does the Jewish cuture have it right?
by The Berean 11 Replies latest jw friends
The Berean
I seldom read negative reports concerning the traditional lifestyle of those within the Jewish faith. Could it be that their system of values is superior to others?
Beta Male
if they bring back the concubine in.........oomps
btw.........hasidic jew feel they are the only TRUE jews...the rest are apostate jews...........sound familar???
I have figured this out about the Jewish community since I converted 8 years ago. Most Jews don't worry about God or what plans, if any, he has for humans.
Seeing six million die in the Holocaust gave Jews an epiphany about the direct value of religion.
The Jewish culture has it incredibly right, humanly speaking. No matter what the disadvantages and prejudices, no matter where they are placed, the Jews rise to the top while retaining their ancient tradition and culture. There is a great deal to recommend regarding Judaism.
Moshe, sorry, but I reject Holocaust Theology. This isn't the first disaster in Jewish history. Tisha b'av has a long history.
The jewish is the ultimate nihilist culture.
I admire the Hebrew people for their intelligence, their wit, and for their family values.
I've personally been around the Catholic people a lot more and I admire them in so many ways as well, but especially for their festivals and rituals that bring their families together.
I've been welcomed at so many of their tables. Thank you my friends! -
Sad emo
Only as superior as the individual is prepared to make it I guess.
Only as superior as the individual is prepared to make it I guess.
Heh. It is easy to dig up something unsavory on any group. I would wager that domestic violence is a good deal less frequent among jews than among other groups.