Welcome indeed.
Perhaps we can setup a JWN-type half-way-outta-Bethel Home for the likes of us ex-Bethelites.
First, let me tell you "new boys" that I have more JWD-JWN seniority around here. So, I'm entitled to way more Personal Expense Account than you. And I will be entitled to a larger half-way-outta-Bethel room. Also, I have a copy of "The JWN Book of Angles", and you don't.
You will all be on the JWN cleaning crew for the next 6 months or 15 years... whatever. Just so I don't have to clean the restrooms here anymore.
All departments will be renamed and/or reorganized every 9 months or so. You will have to room bid every 6 months even if you just want to keep the room that you're in... but you'll probably be downgraded to a windowless closet regardless. A JWN phonebook will be printed with the old numbers and distributed just before every change takes effect... so you may as well just use the phonebook under the wobbly leg of the table in the JWD diningroom. Oh, and you will be a dish duty captain ASAP... which is meaningless since you will also be the entire dish duty crew as well.
B the X