My husband's 1st birthday party....he's 25

by homeschool 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • homeschool

    Ok, I am seriously on the verge of crying, but I think I'll be ok. My first emotion is being totally pissed off, but the root is sadness. i threw my husband his first birthday party, a surprise at that. I contacted many of his non-jw friends, folks who said "hell yeAH! I'll be there!"...

    it's his FIRST EVER birthday party, and it was his 25th....a BIGGIE. So why the f&*% didnt people show? I'll be honest...i'm somewhat of a perfectionist and want everything to go the way it's 'suppposed to go'....but IT DIDNT. When i had my 'FIRST' birthday party at the ripe old age of 21, it was amazing. I was surrounded by extended family, who I always rejected but who never rejected me. These are truly good people, but they f'ing said they were gonna come and DIDN'T. I'm PISSED.....but mainly hurt. I took a chance and asked two of his jw friends to come & one of them did. I am so thankful for those that did show up,yet i'm having a really hard time with those who said "you bet!" 'i'll be there"....and didnt show. That is just unpolitically correct. Its rude.

    For any witnesses who are reading this....there are so many different types of people in this world. This is an isolated incident & I'm simply stating my emotions. Sh&t happens and I'm gonna just roll with these hurt feelings.

  • HintOfLime

    If I were still married and celebrating my first birthday party.. the only thing I'd really be thinking about is the birthday sex.

    - Lime

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    How long ago did you invite them? Maybe they just forgot?

  • homeschool

    i invited them three weeks ago, and then reminded them again. thanks for asking.

    ps...we ARE really likealble people and im really not sure what happened. i dont think anyone was just really sucks cuz i wish people would do what they say. if they couldnt make it , i wish they'd just say so.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    It's been my experience that free food and beer draws people well. But, things do come up and plans change.

  • homeschool

    i hear ya.... there was fREEEEEEE food AND beer AND liquor.....we had about ten show up. I really just need to be thankful for those that showed. But i just keep thinking that i would NEVER EVER say I was gonna do something and then NOT do it. Grrrrr. I guess thats why i'm a successful business owner and they are not. Awwwwww SNaP! ;-P

  • Hope4Others

    Try not to let it get you down too bad, 10 is a nice number and its easier to chat....hope he had a great Birthday Party....


  • asilentone

    I agree with Hope4Others.

  • homeschool

    Thanks...i'm fine. really . I just wanted to compain for a minute.....and be grumpy for a few minutes longer

  • lavendar

    That's just the way ALOT of people are, unfortunately. We own a business.....and if we had a dime for every person who said they were going to do something....and didn't....we'd be millionaires!!

    Hope you had a nice time together anyway...just the two of you. That's what really counts.

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