Do you happen to know any of the 7 newer GB members? What are they like? Any hope for positive changes?

by Nostromo 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Nostromo

    Lets forget Jaracz and 95-year-old Barr for a while. The 7 new guys will soon have all the power anyway. I'm talking about:

    -Gerrit Losch

    -David Splane

    -Stephen Lett

    -Samuel Herd

    -Guy Pierce

    -Anthony Morris

    -Geoffrey Jackson

    Have you had any personal experiences about any of these? Is any of them reasonable? It would be very interesting to hear. I dont know much about them, except that Losch had said in Gilead that "many things our publications should be changed" or something like that and that Pierce treated harshly some pedophile victims. Oh and I heard a talk by Herd on the net and it was really scary and cold stuff.


    "Any hope for positive changes?"

    It’s like manicuring your toe nails ….when your legs are full of gangrene.

    It’s too late!!!!


  • asilentone


  • Nostromo

    Yeah.. it might be.. but it would still be interesting to hear about these guys. Is there any slightest possibility that one of them would see how things really are in the org. and start reforming things?

  • asilentone

    I doubt it, sorry mate!

  • Marjorie

    Oh you poor, trusting soul. Hoping against hope.

    The WTS will become more cultic, not less.

    Why do you think they have two Watchtowers? Because they want to be more controlling, not less.

    If the WTS becomes more normalized, they'll lose that special 'persecuted' feeling. And more normal means less control, and we can't have any of that, now can we?

  • Confucious

    I know Tony Morris real well.

    He's a class act.

  • jwfacts

    I don't think there is too much hope for change, you don't get to be on the GB without years of proving yourself an organization man.

    I personally know Geoffrey Jackson. He grew up in Tasmania, which is a small remote island at the bottom of Australia. He is extremely witty and a few of his childhood friends were put out by his appointment, thinking he was not serious enough to be on the GB. People also were quite offended when he started to claim to be of the anointed in his late 30's (or possibly early 40's).

    He made the first dictionary for the language of Tuvalu where he was a special pioneer and became favoured by the king of Tuvalu who he would have meals with, so he does not seem to have an issue with mixing with politics.

    I personally think he is too smart to be on the GB and not see that it is crazy religion. But that he has gotten so far in the religion indicates he does believe in it. Unfortunately I obviously cannot see him anymore, so don't know if his opinions have changed since being on the GB. I would love to talk to him a see how he feels about things these days.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007 make him sound like a possible future "Ray Franz" type???

  • jwfacts

    I'm not sure, I have always thought he may be another R Franz. But his wife and MIL are some of the most devoted (obsessed) JWs I knew, so without their support it would be exceptionally hard for him.

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