WTS, Faithful Slave or Evil Slave?

by mindmelda 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mindmelda

    Does the WTS fit the description of the EVIL slave in Jesus parable?

    I'd like to see everyone that cares to discuss that. Sometimes when I read that parable, it occurs to me that maybe it's the WTS that better fits the description of the Evil Slave, the one who beat his brothers, abused them. Who is the "evil slave" then?

    I've come to think through my own reading that perhaps the "faithful slave" is just Christ and perhaps anyone who emulates him in their teaching, ministering, and love for others. It's not that hard to figure out, is it?

  • quietlyleaving


    I'd like to see everyone that cares to discuss that. Sometimes when I read that parable, it occurs to me that maybe it's the WTS that better fits the description of the Evil Slave, the one who beat his brothers, abused them. Who is the "evil slave" then?

    I have had the same thought. I think the parable is wonderfully ironic and always contains both thoughts, that of the good slave becoming an evil slave and vice versa.

    The wts would have us believe that those who persecute them are the evil slave, one culprit according to them is the clergy of christiandom. But the way the WTS treats questioners and dessenters, which Jesus himself set an example in, shows that they fit their own description of the evil slave.

    edit: Ray Franz in Crises of Conscience does a through analysis of Matthew24:45-47. If I have time later I'll try and post some of his conclusions. They are very similar to your own.

  • Nostromo

    When they are beating their brothers because these brothers dont believe in all of their interpretations about prophecy etc by kicking them out of the congregation, then they are pretty evil imo.

  • mindmelda

    The constant WTS application to themselves of things that clearly apply to Jesus primarily and then to anyone emulating him is disgusting.

    I would think that Christ knows who is his faithful slave, and constantly self proclaiming oneself as such is the height of arrogance.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    It's interesting that of the two slaves mentioned in the parable--only one of them is described as expecting the Master to return at a particular time. That would be the evil slave. Note that the parable describes the evil slave as feeling that the Master is delaying--after which he begins to beat his fellow slaves.

    If the evil slave felt that the Master was delaying, then he expected him to already be there. Well, who expected Jesus to arrive in 1914, 1918, 1925, etc...? After Jesus failed to show up, has there been evidence of "beating" fellow slaves? I'll leave that up to you.

  • ablebodiedman

    In my opinion they ARE the evil slave.

    There is a prophetic scripture in the last Chapter of Isaiah which convinces me.

    Here it is:

    Isaiah 66:5

    5 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “Y OUR brothers that are hating YOU , that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”

    Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONLY religion which excludes righteous brothers through the use of God's actual name..... Jehovah!

    During the Lord’s Day, this time of the end there is no other religion that uses God’s name in such a way. The official procedure can be found in the fourth paragraph on page 154 of the “Organized To Do Jehovah’s Will” book as follows:

    “When it is necessary to disfellowship an unrepentant wrongdoer from the congregation, a brief announcement is made, simply stating: “[Name of person] is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses”

    Of course an anointed one who takes a stand for our King Jesus Christ has no need to be repentant!

    Now please consider that the book; “Organized To Do Jehovah’s Will” was published in the year 2005. This form of disfellowshipping which echoes the very end time prophecies found in the bible has only just recently become a Jehovah’s Witness procedure.

    Is there any other Christian Religion in existence worldwide that has a procedure which excludes people from their midst by reason of God’s actual name, Jehovah?

    A righteous Christian should agree that such a procedure belongs only to Jehovah’s Witnesses and so this end time prophecy cannot be fulfilled through any other religion!

    Therefore the evil slave is inside of the Jehovah's Witness Organization.

    The faithfull slave will be excluded through the use of God's name.

    The faithfull slave are outside the corrupted city being reproached and persecuted (beaten) by all who remain inside.

    Hebrew 13

    12 Hence Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate. 13 Let us, then, go forth to him outside the camp, bearing the reproach he bore, 14 for we do not have here a city that continues, but we are earnestly seeking the one to come.

    There is a great video about this which cane be found here:


    In Christ


  • VM44

    In all seriousness I make the following statement, which I believe is backed up by history.

    Judge Rutherford was the Evil Slave!

  • ablebodiedman


    Judge Rutherford was the GB member who invented the "Millions now living will never die" doctrine.

    You will never die, you positively will not die.

    To see how far reaching and evil this doctrine is read the following 2 page newsletter which is available for download on SCRIBD:

    here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/11566728/Jehovahs-Witnesses-and-Satans-lie



  • VM44

    Thanks abe!

    That document looks good. It makes strong points in a visual manner that should get people thinking!

  • passwordprotected

    WTS = evil slave, but only if we're going to apply the parable to a worldwide publishing corporation.

    Only the evil slave has any interest in the time of the master's arrival.


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