This is a religious cult that substantiates and maintains its existences off of people contributing their time to maintain it.
Many cults like this operate in this fashion and some I might add are even more adamantly against their members from going to
a worldly university or collage, so lets not just single out the JWS for doing this.
Its pure hypocrisy in many ways for the simple reason that these cults use and exploit the high education system that is in operation
today. Foe example the the elaborate and expensive printing presses that the WTS. use to print their bullshit on was designed by
well educated engineers, the brand new cars that the GB members use at their avail were also made by well educated engineers.
The well trained cardiologists that are keeping a GB member alive in a hospital right now are highly educated.
And the list goes on and on .... and lets not forget the high educated lawyers that the WTS have paid to work for the them
in the courts. Hence a high level of education is very beneficial when needed, but just when we need it, not the R & F.