Secular humanism doesn't have the supernatural coercive element found in a good deal of Christian religion, really. No, Do THIS or ELSE! except a natural amount of social censure and consequence for naughtiness.
I'm sure most of that is about keeping the butts in the seats of a very expensive to maintain church building. *G*
I'm sometimes surprised I believe in anything religious at all, but alas, I do. Nothing too complicated though. I'm too wary and burned out for complicated theological acrobatics these days.
That's why the 1914 thing never got into my brain...too much math, and it's not even a good story problem.
Considering that the people who wrote the Bible probably couldn't even do higher math, I doubt they were writing down this obscure Bible hopscotch code so that sometime in the future Judge Rutherford could gaze into his scotch glass and divine it from the arrangment of the soda bubbles.