Health and Wellness is the new fad that is growing right now. There is one supplement that starts with an ( I ) that is being promoted by many Bethelites, Pioneers, C.O.'s and Friends at great proportion. It helps the Bethelites make a great income without using up a lot of vacation time. This just might be a good plan B from a life of uncertainty, and it could soften the boot kick. I think some Friends are learning from the top and packing in the cash that we will someday throw in the streets. At least, if they get pulled in by the Bethel finest, they can say, "I learned by watching you". Then again, that may not go over well.
Could MLM be the solution for displaced and replaced Bethelites?
by Bethelite Elder 13 Replies latest jw friends
oh for goodness sakes NO......
Do you realize how many other Bro/Sis already push such stuff?
It got so bad at our assemblies/coventions that an announcement was made from the stage not to engage in discussing the various products. While I usually would gag at such a bold and overstepping announcement, I and many more were utterly relieved not to be hassled to purchase these products.
I think Bethelites should realize that the long-term Bethelite is a dinosaur destined for extinction, save a few that are allowed to remain and evolve onto the higher Bethel food chain. Better time spent filling out FASFA and sneaking off to the library once a week for online college courses....
Got me some love for ole nutty Danny H.... but dayum he sure ruined a nice set-up for the Bethelites to earn money G-jobbing.
I guess some of yall could pirate away newly released books and sell them on Ebay before they are release to the JW public. I know some here would be interested in a 2004 Illuminator book and if there is a 2nd edition of the Flock book it too would sell quickly or maybe a dvd tour of the Bethel facilities. Maybe write a book and sell on about bethel life or how to get into bethel. Heck maybe just old junk on ebay or craigslist...... I hate to say it but your best bet might be to see if a self-employed Brother might have some spare work he can throw your way during vacation.
Please please take the time to consider online college courses.......
MLM is the biggest scam in the world.
I had several Bethelites who had planned on leaving soon get into one of various of these schemes. I tried one for a year, just to see how they work. Go ahead and plunk down that $2000-$3000 to get started, learn the system, and when it is all over, you will see how gullible people are to try and make money off of this type of system. You will understand cults a lot better, too, only money and ripping others off is now your god. Realy cool! 'Cept you'll lose all your money and feel like a fool. For me, it was just part of my business expenses in learning how people find very creative yet unrealistic ways to deceive others. Hell, if you can sell them a stupid Watchtower magazine while standing at their door, you can sell almost anything, no matter how ludicrous the claim of making money is from Multi-Level Marketing scams. Your odds are about 1%. Then you get an award for being a good rip-off artist, and all your previous friends will love you forever from then on for being so thoughtful as to how to rip them off with your newfound enthusiasm.
Most phoney people in the world, even worse than JWs, as far as I've seen. Because they KNOW 99% will fail, and that's how they make money (the few that do). Then after 4-5 years, they have to move on to another scheme, since they generally have short lifespans. Kind of like carnival tricks, got to change your game up frequently!
After that, try Scientology, then the Moonies.
I agree that MLM is not the answer for someone entering the workforce. I will, however, not be suprised to hear that many of these exBethelites sign up for some of these schemes only to be dissapointed.
drew sagan
Just wanted to say that if you really are a current Elder at Bethel you better be careful about what websites you visit. The network could be monitered.
Also, what's your story? You don't have to give details but I'm curious to know if you're still in Bethel or if you're out.
Iam rooting for Randy's insightful responses. A cautious tone from drew sagan is a must to take notice of. As for you yknot, while I agree with many of the points raised, there is a confusion. We are talking about Ex-Bethelites. Is the writter refering to all of them who are out of Bethel but still in the WTS system? Or those who are done away with Bethel life and the WTS in general? I bet he is refering to the latter. Randy, meanwhile,I do not need a discount on books. I realised that Freeminds needs our support as far as possible rather ourselves benefitig from it. Good job
MLM is not the solution for anybody, unless the goal is to be a broke sucker.
Could this:
There is one supplement that starts with an ( I ) that is being promoted by many Bethelites, Pioneers, C.O.'s
be Ibuprofen?? Ibuprofen is GREAT for hiking, running, all sorts of activities. I use it all the time and it makes me feel MUCH better.
Hated all those witnesses that were always trying to sell us stuff. Phone plans even.
We could tell when we were going to get the sales pitch: some super cool "in" sister would call my mom... oh, the reason?? She wants to sell something... My mom always wanted to tell them it was so obvious when they never called for ANY other reason...
Kudra, we could start an MLM for Aspirin. It is, quite literally, a miracle drug, with all sorts of benefits. We could put into little hippie bottles, and call it Vitalacryosis, or something. Say it's the pill form of an exotic tree only found on the mountain tops of Madagascar, "where all life originated." Throw in some astrological overtones, and I'd say we'd get at least a few mill.
aaaaa haaha.
Yes, 100% natural- derived from trees blah blah!
And the pills would be really small (somehow they always make those homeopathic pills small...) cause that would make people think they are better somehow.
JWs would be ideal for such a scam.