Silence is the WT's best strategy - or is it?

by BonaFide 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    The WT society doesn't seem to answer questions like other organizations do. Issues such as the policy on pedophiles, UN involvement, lawsuits for shunning, and the like are never mentioned in the publications. Yes, they do talk about pedophiles in the WT, but never JW pedophiles and the Society's policy on them. Or they might say that "Opposers try to say bla bla bla against us, but they are from Satan." So anyone who brings up that subject is automatically an opposer.

    Their silence works.

    Witnesses pick up the cue and refuse to discuss these subjects. Since the GB doesn't say anything about these matters, they must not be important, right?

    The only time that things really get rocky for the Society is WHEN THEY ACTUALLY SAY SOMETHING about a certain situation. Now, since they said SOMETHING, ANYTHING, people can discuss their response.

    So they don't say anything. And if we bring it up, we are APOSTATES.

    So I think they will continue their silence. It has worked up till now.

    What do you think? Is it the right strategy, or not?


  • yknot

    I think most JWs don't care unless it personally affects them..... many are alseep and just going through the motions.

    I will allow that more JWs in my KH are able to have a coherent conversation about several of the topics you listed.

    So they might not be discussing them front and center but they have probably through the internet learned a great deal.

    Since we don't have another arian worship structure to replace the WTS many have decided that despite the phooey of the WTS..... this is the best option over trinitarian, cross idolizing and pagan holiday loving churches.

  • JustHuman14

    It worked for 120 years, why they will change it now

  • metatron

    Structurally, it has worked out very well - however, the lack of open discussion of organizational problems causes silent rot to grow and intensifies the hypocrisy of the organization.

    Eventually, the phony edifice they have created will crumble because the problems can't be hidden anymore - such as Witness family breakdown, drug dependency, fraud, addiction to porn, and so on.

    The organization cries out for some sort of perestroika but the old men in charge like things the way they are.


  • leavingwt

    You are correct, BF.

  • sammielee24

    It would be great to see a movie like Doubt played out in a Witness theme.

    One could definitely follow through that sort of movie and illuminate many things like child sex abuse, judicial committees, the 2 witness rule, disfellowshipping, blood issues....people watched Jones Town as a documentary only AFTER all the people were killed and even now they are appalled. Ditto Waco. If such a documentary - focusing on sex abuse and judicial committees etc were the theme and it was done well, it would be one of the best negative PR campaigns that one could have. The majority of the people have no idea what goes on behind closed doors and curiousity would definitely make people watch - that and a good story cos everyone likes to hate evil doers. sammieswife.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    To support an abuser you must do nothing.

    The WTS knows this formula well.

    • If people don't know what is really going on they will do nothing and support an abusive system.
    • If they do know but out of fear or misguided loyalty and do nothing they are supporting the abusive system.

    To support a victim you must do something.

    If people speak out or try to go to the authorities or speak up about something that is wrong they risk everything, (friendship, family, faith, community), but they show their support for those who are being hurt. They put the person above an organization.

    Seems to me that Jesus told a parable of the good shepherd who went above and beyond to help the lost one, the hurting one even to the point of leaving the flock for a while. Hmmmmmmmm

  • DaCheech

    agree all too well

  • caliber

    Silence is the WT's best strategy - or is it? posted 7 minutes ago (5/25/2009) Yes , but is beneficial

    and useful to peoples lasting good ?... that would seem to be the ultimate question !

  • BonaFide

    When I saw for myself the video of brother Jaracz apparently just coming off the platform from a talk, and his response to the Panorama journalist, I was SHOCKED. I know brother Jaracz personally, and I had never seen him uncomfortable like that.

    And his answer was nothing like I expected. I really thought he would have expressed sympathy for the victims, and then say that the Organization is not perfect, but they are doing their best, and more so than ever.

    But he didn't say that. His response seemed like he was trying to get out of it.



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