Would the Watchtower Society boast or brag?
As we all know boasting is a despicable activity, one that no “true Christian” would ever engage in. It would of course be even further from the only true religion in the world to exercise in such a sin:
*** w94 9/1 19 Beware of Boasting ***
Some believe that boasting is necessary to achievement. Others feel that it raises one’s self-esteem. Observes Time magazine: “The ideal of modesty, though hardly dead, has begun to seem almost quaint.” Writer Jody Gaylin comments: “Unfortunately, unabashed boasting . . . is the latest fashion. Conversation with a friend or acquaintance has a new accompaniment: horn-tooting.”*** w94 9/1 19 Beware of Boasting ***
The prevalence of boasting raises the question: Is it healthy to brag of one’s own assets and abilities? It is natural, of course, to take pride in one’s accomplishments and even to share these with close friends and relatives. But what of those who live by the saying, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it”? Further, what of those who, while not openly boasting, subtly make sure that others come to know of their strengths and achievements? Is such self-advertising healthy, even necessary, as some claim?*** w94 9/1 20 Beware of Boasting ***
While some may withdraw from braggarts, feeling inferior in their presence, others react differently. They conclude that boasters are insecure. Writer Frank Trippett explains why the person who blows his own horn may, ironically, lower his esteem in the eyes of others: “Everybody knows at heart that boasting usually signals some pathetic private weaknesses.” Since many see right through the boaster’s mask, is it not wiser to refrain from windy self-praise?
No of course not, the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses would never do that, would they?:
*w95 4/15 3 - **IN Sweden a spiritually inquisitive man in the university town of Uppsala decided to study the beliefs of the different religions in his town, even visiting their places of worship. He listened as their clergy preached, and he interviewed some members. He noticed that only Jehovah's Witnesses seemed convinced that they had "found the truth." Considering the variety of religious opinions that exist, he wondered how the Witnesses could make such a claim.
*w94 8/15 11 - 2 Just think about it-whenever people see in their neighborhood a group of well-dressed men, women, and children with briefcases, what is usually their first thought? Is it, 'Oh, here come the Catholics (or Orthodox) again!' or, 'Here come the Pentecostals (or Baptists) again!' No. People know that such religions do not have whole families performing a house-to-house ministry. Perhaps some religious groups send some "missionaries" for a two-year stint into certain areas, but their rank-and-file members do not participate in any such ministry. Only Jehovah's Witnesses are recognized worldwide for their zeal in communicating their message to others on every suitable occasion. And they are known for their magazines, The Watchtower and Awake!-Isaiah 43:10-12; Acts 1:8.
*w92 4/1 12 - 14 Hence, the global work of witnessing about God's Kingdom is strong evidence that we are near the end of this wicked system and that true freedom is at hand. The ones calling on people with the hope-filled message of God's new world are described at Acts 15:14 as "a people for [God's] name." Who bear Jehovah's name and give the global witness about Jehovah and his Kingdom? The historical record of the 20th century answers: only Jehovah's Witnesses. Today they number more than four million in more than 66,000 congregations all over the world.-Isaiah 43:10-12; Acts 2:21.
*w92 12/1 17 - 19 Through Malachi, Jehovah foretold a further blessing: "At that time those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name." (Malachi 3:16) Of all the organizations claiming to be Christian, only Jehovah's Witnesses both think upon his name and magnify it among the nations. (Psalm 34:3) How happy they are to be assured that Jehovah remembers their faithfulness!
*w90 6/1 11 - 5 Jesus had just issued that worldwide preaching commission when he began to ascend to heaven. That ascension started with upward movement away from his disciples, and later Jesus entered into his heavenly Ruler's presence and into activity in the spirit realm. (1:9-11) After a cloud obscured the apostles' view of Jesus, he dematerialized his fleshly body. Two angels appeared and said that he 'would come in the same manner.' And so it has been. Jesus' disciples alone saw him depart, even as only Jehovah's Witnesses recognize his invisible return.
*w89 5/1 27-8 - 20 Thus, true servants of God today can be identified by an unbreakable, unifying bond of love on an international scale. Who in our time demonstrate such obedience to God's commandments on love? Who have been persecuted, imprisoned, thrown into concentration camps, or executed because they would not take up weapons against fellow believers-or even unbelievers-of other nations? The record of this century's history answers: only Jehovah's Witnesses.
*w89 9/1 19 - 7 Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4)
*w88 1/1 16 - So, clearly, the messages are broadcast by human mouthpieces under angelic direction. A person is identified as a 'sheep' or as a 'goat' by the way he responds to the angelic messages. During this 20th century, only Jehovah's Witnesses have cooperated with the angels in this vital work.
*w88 1/1 20 - OF ALL those who claim to be Christian, only Jehovah's Witnesses take the preaching of the good news seriously. They form the only group in which every member feels a personal obligation to approach his neighbor on a regular basis in order to talk to him about God's purposes. Why is this? Because each Witness feels that, as a Christian, he must be a footstep follower of Christ. (1 Peter 2:21) What does this imply?
*w88 2/1 18 - 11 Who are willing to sacrifice time, material resources, even their lives, to witness for the true God? Who tell people that the true God declares: "I am Jehovah. That is my name"? (Isaiah 42:8) Who teach that "you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth"? (Psalm 83:18) In his time, Jesus could say to the true God: "I have made your name manifest." (John 17:6) In our time, only Jehovah's Witnesses can say that. How appropriate their name is-Jehovah's Witnesses!
*w88 4/1 17 - 7 Now, in the age of television, we have TV preachers exploiting that medium with every kind of theatrical trick and psychological device to beguile the masses and empty the pockets of the flock. How appropriate is Jeremiah's denunciation even now, some 2,600 years later! "For from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them, every one is making for himself unjust gain; and from the prophet even to the priest, each one is acting falsely." At the same time, none of them want to accept the challenge of the true Christian ministry, face-to-face with the people, from house to house. Only Jehovah's Witnesses- the anointed Jeremiah class and the "great crowd"-have accepted that responsibility.-Jeremiah 6:13; Acts 20:20, 21.
*w86 10/1 21 - In Haiti there was a confrontation regarding the house-to-house ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses. This came about when a special pioneer met a staunch Protestant woman. During the conversation, the brother pointed out that only Jehovah's Witnesses preach from house to house as the Bible outlines.
*w85 1/15 29 - In fact, only Jehovah's Witnesses today follow the example of Jesus' early disciples and help people worldwide to 'call on the name of Jehovah and be saved.' They alone can truly be called "a people for his name." (Acts 15:14) Is it possible, though, that we, too, may brush aside Jehovah's name?
*w85 7/15 7 - What about another requirement of religion that pleases God? Indeed, who honor the divine name, Jehovah? It is self-evident that only Jehovah's Witnesses are doing this worldwide by both their preaching and their conduct.-Romans 10:13-15.
*w85 8/1 7 - If you are one who is distressed over the suffering and reproach that false religion has brought on God's name, what should you now do? The Bible commands: "Get out of her [false religion], my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins." (Revelation 18:4) Only Jehovah's Witnesses are urging people to heed this command. They, like the early Christians, keep out of war and politics and hence will not be in line for destruction when religion collides with politics. So contact them. They will gladly show you how to find the "narrow gate" that leads not to destruction but to everlasting life.-Matthew 7:13, 14; John 17:3.
*w84 5/15 24 - 17 Only Jehovah's Witnesses are engaged in this life-imparting work on behalf of God's Kingdom government. Only they are rejoicing in the harvest returns that are even now manifest. The seed, too, that Jehovah supplies for his willing field workers is so well screened and selected! Our Bible study aids are prepared with a view to stirring the hearts of many who are yet to be harvested and brought into Jehovah's peaceful organization, the Christian congregation, which at Matthew 13:30 is likened to his Son's "storehouse."
*w82 11/15 20 - Hence, Jesus prophesied: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) God's true ministers are the ones who fulfill this prophecy and teach these truths. And who are doing this God-given work? Only Jehovah's Witnesses. -Isaiah 43:10-12.
*w71 8/1 465 - 18 Jesus said in prayer: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified." (Matt. 6:9) He also prayed: "I have made your name known to them and will make it known." (John 17:26) The true servants of God would be called out to be "a people for his name." (Acts 15:14) Thousands of times in the Bible, the name of God-Jehovah in English-is mentioned. But from whom have you heard this name? You know that if it were not for Jehovah's witnesses you likely would never have heard the name, as the churches of Christendom rarely use it. Only Jehovah's witnesses today make known the fact "that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth."-Ps. 83:18, Authorized Version.
*w55 5/15 315 - 32 Twelfth, the congregation of Christ must realize the certain time when Jehovah 'plants the new heavens and lays the foundation of the new earth' as part of his permanent New World system of things. Only Jehovah's witnesses realize this and have come to know that since 1919 a New World society is developing to expand to fill the whole earth in righteousness.-Isa. 51:16; 65:17; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21:1.
*w53 4/1 214 - 21 21 It is not a difficult task to recognize and identify God's visible organization, for there are not many, not even a few, there is only one organization that is pursuing the above-outlined course, namely, Jehovah's witnesses. Inseparably associated with this widely known organization is its legal servant and governing agency, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Only Jehovah's witnesses and their associates are bearing the fruits of the Kingdom by public proclamation.
*g95 11/8 30 - Only Witnesses Neutral? Your May 8, 1995, issue ("It's No Secret Anymore") stated: "Only Jehovah's Witnesses have maintained their neutrality and refused to learn or practice war anymore." In World War II, of the 11,996 men who refused to fight, only 940 were Jehovah's Witnesses. I was a conscientious objector myself. The word "only" in your statement was used to paint a false picture that only Jehovah's Witnesses held to this belief.
*g88 12/22 11 - I also learned that the Bible offers the true remedy to free mankind from oppression-God's Kingdom government in the hands of his King, Christ Jesus. Since only Jehovah's Witnesses preach this Kingdom government, I made up my mind to join them in their preaching work. Soon I was baptized and became a pioneer, as full-time ministers of Jehovah's Witnesses are called, and since August 1985, I have served as a special pioneer. Later I married a pioneer, and we now serve in the full-time ministry together.
*g85 1/22 26 - I read this and the book Is the Bible Really the Word of God? in two days. The next day I telephoned for the Witnesses to bring me more books that were advertised. They soon delivered them, along with a book on evolution. I devoured them and came to the conclusion that only Jehovah's Witnesses had the truth regarding the worship and service of the true God, Jehovah. I had never read anything like this in religious material before-this was the essence of simplicity and clarity.
*g80 3/8 15 - A SOCIOLOGICAL study on the matrilineal (a form of matriarchal) society in the Luapula Province of Zambia appears in the American Ethnologist. Researcher Karla O. Poewe of the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, considers the effect that religious denominations have on the traditional ways of Luapulans. After her 18 months spent with these people, Poewe concludes that only "Jehovah's Witnesses succeed" in achieving "change in behavior among their members vis-à-vis kinship, family, and economic activities," whereas others have "an indifferent record of success in giving direction to practical conduct and holding the individual to such conduct." Her study includes the following observations:
*g75 11/22 23 - Similarly, today only Jehovah's witnesses are declaring the good news of God's established kingdom with the King Jesus Christ ruling on a heavenly throne. They alone are fulfilling Jesus' prophecy: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."-Matt. 24:14.
*km 11/76 2 - How then will people today hear the voices of God and his Chief Shepherd? By hearing God's commands and principles as set forth in the Scriptures. Who will tell them? Not the clergy! No, but only Jehovah's Witnesses carry on work of preaching the good news of the Kingdom and teaching Bible truth in all the earth.
*jv 548 - Jehovah's Witnesses form the only religious organization in the world in which every member personally witnesses to nonbelievers, endeavors to answer their questions from the Bible, and urges them to put faith in God's Word. Other religious organizations acknowledge that this is what all Christians should do. Some have tried to encourage their church members to do it. But only Jehovah's Witnesses consistently do it.
*jv 570 - House-to-House Preaching -An Identifying Mark
At various times other religious groups have encouraged their members to call on the homes of people in their community to talk about religion. Some individuals have tried it. Certain ones may even do it as missionaries for a couple of years, but that is the end of it. However, it is only among Jehovah's Witnesses that virtually all, young and old, male and female, participate year in, year out, in the house-to-house ministry. It is only Jehovah's Witnesses who truly endeavor to reach all the inhabited earth with the Kingdom message, in obedience to the prophetic command at Matthew 24:14.
*yb98 18 - The Liberian people know that during the years of war, it has been only Jehovah's Witnesses who have proved to be true messengers of godly peace. While thousands of members of other religions joined armed factions and carried weapons of war, Jehovah's people were seen everywhere, Bibles in hand, sharing messages of godly peace with war-weary Liberians.
*w65 6/1 344 - God will establish his government firmly in the earth. Jehovah's witnesses only proclaim that truth. If the Creator has a heavenly government for mankind that he himself will establish, would it not be in the best interests of their people for rulers to acknowledge this government and surrender their sovereignty when the time came for its superior administration of earth's affairs?
*w97 1/15 22 - There is only one religious organization on this earth that has all these marks of true Christianity Jehovah's Witnesses!
But of course it isn’t boasting when the Watchtower Society do it because it is all true, right?
Sorry, according to the Watchtower it is still boasting:
*** w94 9/1 20 Beware of Boasting ***
“But It’s True!”
This is how some try to justify self-glorification. They feel that since they truly are gifted in certain respects, to pretend otherwise would be hypocritical.