Thanks so much for that indepth info - I am going to print it off and digest it
Thanks to everyone who has given me info
by truthlover 12 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks so much for that indepth info - I am going to print it off and digest it
Thanks to everyone who has given me info
Its so nice to be able to ask questions about the bible - I really miss that, we used to talk a lot about scriptures, application, joke and laugh and think of what could be or why things were being done, but not now..if anything is brought up, your looked at like someone with 4 heads... and the truth shall set you free... not
Leo: Thanks again for the information -- now I remember... just printed it off to re read.. I print off so much info that I cant keep it all around for seeing eyes..so I turf it .... this does come back to mind..