I didn't like answering. I would always wait until the conductor would be choosing someone then raise my hand. Oops, too late, maybe next time.
"Commenting" at Meetings
by cameo-d 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I didn't like answering. I would always wait until the conductor would be choosing someone then raise my hand. Oops, too late, maybe next time.
What a sneak! I bet you only pretended to knock the doors on the ministry too.
You might not have got away with the late hand raising in our congregation though because some elders have been known to change who they call on at the last minute.
"Can we have sister (always-answers) please"
"Oh no let's have sister (smelly-who-hardly-ever-answers-sitting-at-the-back-where-she-thinks-no-one-sees-her) instead"
What a sneak! I bet you only pretended to knock the doors on the ministry too.
Yeah, I was always good at that!!
keyser soze
I always enjoyed the comments from the little kids, when you could clearly hear the parent whispering to them in the mic.
In the 70's the WTS called book study locations, rendexvous.
That's hilarious! All kinds of imagery springs forth. LOL! Wonder what bonehead thought that one up.
Witness 007
Little Witness kid sticks up hand answer "JEHOVAH!" ..........{Conductor} Yes Timmy welll done." When your 35 years old same sh#t!
Witness 007
Witness kid answers: "Jehovah God.....hates oral SEX!" {Conductor} Yes Timmy, that's right thank you....now lets move onto the subheading of homosexality...."
Witness, LOL!!
The joke around our house was to answer every question with 'the anointed in 1919'. Guess that might not work so well now.
We figured you would be spot-on 50% of the time and close enough 25%. For the remaining 25%, you'd have the satisfaction of watching some folks jolt up from dozing trying to figure out how the hell anyone got that out the paragraph.
I can remember feeling ornery one book study night when the book (forget which one) quoted David Hume's essay on miracles. So I went back to the original source and 'commented' that the book misquoted Hume, even with quotation marks it was a paraphrase and a bad one. Misquotes are bad enough, but they grossly mangled Hume's argument - as is their wont. So I said so. Boy, did I get in trouble. It was some fun though.
Anyone have specific comments you've made that you still remember and that embarrass you even now?
I still remember a comment I made (~ 1978) in support of the Evolution book's 2nd law of thermodynamics argument against evolution. I sounded all scientific, ponderous and authoritative even though my credentials on the subject were meager to say the least (one course each in physics and chemistry). Some years later, I took some advanced courses in thermo and realized I really blew it. Did nothing but uncover my ignorance for all to see. Sure wish I could go back in time and clap a hand over that young, naive boy's mouth and maybe thump him on the back of the head for good measure.