Roll call, Just as it is written “I am not afraid what can man do to me”. My name is Shane Draney I live in Ogden Utah, I am supposed to be going to the Roy City congregation but I am not going to so there! But you never know since I was raised in it, it’s been hard to shed drinking the cool aid.
Roll Call !!! I am going to reveal my name, anyone else DARE?
by Leprechaun 117 Replies latest jw friends
not me, I still have JW family still in, I want to keep in touch with them.
My real name is beksbks.
John Doe
Pudden Tame. Ask me again and I'll tell you the same.
Does that not make you disgusted after a while that your freedom must be put on hold while you cater to the needs and wants of a cult, even if your family is still in your still alive? In my case I finialy desired to show some short hairs.
Homerovah the Almighty
Positive step Shane you know of what a trap the JWS are, it takes intelligence to not put your foot in that trap
intelligence you may actually possess
John Doe
I don't make a habit of posting my real, full name on the interweb. That information, along with your birth day, can be used to ill effect by bad people. This has nothing to do with the WTB&TS, as I don't give a sweat if they know who I am or not.
Hi Shane! My name is Charles Ronto, (nickname CJ) and I was raised in the Ormond Beach South Cong. in Daytona Beach. The last hall I attended was the Blaine Cong. in Ham Lake, Minnesota. I now reside in Texas.
*I would recommend with this thread that people really think about it before posting their names. It will be on the internet forever. Those who have completely healed, and those who will not lose family and friends by doing this-Have fun!
Remember we live in America it is free here, you really should not feel afraid of the GB, they are all a bunch of fat toads. Its weird when I seen how scard I was of a religion, it was all based on so called friends & family shunning me, well they can all kiss my Hiney.
My name is, my name is, my name is