Daily Text - Eccl. 3:13

by YoYoMama 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoYoMama

    Eccl. 3:13 "Every man should eat and indeed drink and see good for all his hard work. It is the gift of God."

    Commentary: Many people think of Almight God as severe, stern. Yet, the above text is a truth that you will find in his inspired Word. It accords with his being "the happy God" and with his placing our first parents in an earthly paradise. (1 Tim. 1:11; Gen. 2:7-9) When seeking insight into the future that God promises for his people, we should not be surprised to learn of conditions that will bring us lasting enjoyment. There are four instances where the Bible foretells "new heavens and a new earth." (Isa. 65:17) One of those reliable predictions is recorded at Revelation 21:1. The subsequest verses tell of the time when Almight God will drastically change earthly conditions for the better. He will wipe out tears of grief. No more will people die from old age, sickness, or accidents. Mourning, outcry, and pain will be gone. What a delightful prospect! w 4/15/00 1,2a

  • Victor_E

    Yo yo are you here to preach and count time?

  • YoYoMama

    Victor: No, not to preach. I thought that some would appreciate a positive message.

  • ChuckD
    It accords with his being "the happy God"

    From what I gather, he spends a lot more time being pissed-off about something than he does being happy.

  • puppylove

    Yes, this happy god destroyed thousands of persons in biblical times and is planning on killing billions more at some future "armageddon" date. He is jealous and vengeful. He deserves worship, dagnabbit!! He is going to kill the infant children of non-believers!!! No one will stand in his way. There will be no where to hide!!!

    Worship him or else!

    Yeah, this is the god that I want to serve.

  • NameWithheld

    "No more will people die from old age, sickness, or accidents. Mourning, outcry, and pain will be gone."

    Yep - just as soon as he zaps several billion people. No more problems after that! Or is there - there's that pesky Satan who at the end of the 1000 years is going to get most of mankind zapped yet again - forgot about that. Maybe god just likes to zap most of mankind avery few thousand years ...

    But at least he wants us to eat and drink while we're waiting to be zapped. I guess he's better than Hitler - Hitler didn't have refreshments for the Jews when they were waiting in line for the gas chamber.

  • JanH

    Actually, Ecclesiastes is one of my favourite Bible books. For one, its author rejected the superstitious nonsense about an afterlife that the WTS abuses his texts to propagate.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • Gozz

    Watchtower writers are experts at commenting on single verses of the bible. The basic assumption is that of amnesia. All other things forgotten, focus on the verse. And this makes the daily text somewhat attractive. They get into trouble all the time when they attempt to be original. If they've dug into Christendom's library, they would've got a broader interpretation, rather than the microscopic, fundamentalist interpretation that tries to validate the inconsistent opinions of quacks.

  • YoYoMama

    Well, there went the positive message.

    ChuckD says

    From what I gather, he spends a lot more time being pissed-off about something than he does being happy.
    Unfortunately is seems that way, but rightly so.

    this happy god destroyed thousands of persons in biblical times and is planning on killing billions more at some future "armageddon" date. He is jealous and vengeful. He deserves worship, dagnabbit!! He is going to kill the infant children of non-believers!!! No one will stand in his way. There will be no where to hide!!!
    This is true, puppylove. He did destroy, actually millions, in the past. But Jehovah never acts without proper warning. The people in Noahs day had 120 years to listen to Noah and join him. The people of Canaan had over 400 years to make changes. Well actually the Gabaonites (spelling?) did listen and took the necessary actions in order to gain salvation. Jehovah sent many prophets and messengers to the Israelites and begged them to stop their evilness before he allowed the Asyrians and then the Babylonians to conquer them.

    Namewitheld says:

    just as soon as he zaps several billion people
    Yes it sounds bad, but is it? Jehovah has given ample time for humans to do what is right.
  • kenny2

    Yes, thank you He is a happy God.
    I praise Him for bringing me to that light. After growing up as a dub, it was difficult for me to see that. Recently though He has told me in various ways that it was the WT who made Him out to be so evil and vengeful. And boy is He pissed about that.


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