Anyone that is dumb enough to sit through it is going to be misled. Things did not get worse than ever for mankind around 1914. Rather, that happened throughout the First Dark Ages. People were killed for knowing things that contradicted the Unholy Bible (as the early Catholic church taught), even if they could actually prove their views correct. Knowledge was limited to whatever that Bible (which lied then, and lies now) said. That, plus the fact that people were the property of the lords, meant that freedom was non-existent. You had to answer to your lord if you wanted to do anything.
Of course, in that environment, crime was worse than it is today. These days, one might lock one's car doors in a bad neighborhood to avoid carjackers. But, in the First Dark Ages, it was normal to be robbed while on the highways no matter what neighborhood you lived in. You also had castles with heavy walls made of rock (no insulation, but it was burglar-resistant) and moats, and they still got burgled. Just because they didn't use guns like they do now didn't make it any safer. Per 1,000,000 people, one had a greater chance of getting murdered (and not just burned at the stake, as they did back then), robbed, or burgled than we do today, even in the worst neighborhoods in the city.
Disease, anyone? They talk about swine flu (which is about as dangerous as regular flu). They talk about the Spanish flu, AIDS, and other diseases that are around these days. What they don't tell us is that, during the First Dark Ages, around 3/4 of the population was wiped out by the plague. These days, if you get the plague, a round of antibiotics will cure it. Then, you died. People were dying because they felt that demons were causing them to get sick, and they did nothing aside calling on God (who did nothing), often spreading the diseases in the process. And they didn't have the just-one person to know that magnesium can prevent and cure a lot of these problems and post it online--the "just one person" would have been burned at the stake for spreading that knowledge that seizures are curable with magnesium, not exorcists.
And the wars! The witlesses love to tell you that more people died during the two world wars than all the other wars put together before. What they don't tell you is that, per million people alive, you had a better chance of dying in battle during the First Dark Ages than in any of these modern wars. Even in the Middle East, you are safer today than you would have been during the First Dark Ages. Wars were everywhere, and (with fewer people), you had millions dying in these wars. Not to mention the crusades intended to force the whole world to believe in the Catholic church (does that sound like anything the Witlesses are trying to do today?).
Anyone that goes had better study the history of mankind during the First Dark Ages. Otherwise, the witlesses are going to repeat history and start the Second Dark Ages. Then they will really be able to say that there is unprecedented calamity.