I would guess that the most likely context for the question to be raised is in the event of perceived wrongdoing ,and the dubs want to call the person to a Judicial Committee even though they no longer consider themselves Witnesses :
Elders Book "Shepherd The Flock" (2010) chapt 5 section 39.-40
Those Who Have Not Associated for Many Years
40. In deciding whether to form a jud.icial committee
or not, the body of elders shou ld consider the
follow ing:
• Does he still profess to be a Witness?
• Is he generally recognized as a Witness in the
congregation or the community?
• Does llis conduct continue to affect any other
person, such as in some cases of adultery or
child abuse?
• Does the person have a measure of con tact or association
with the congregation so that a leavening,
or corrupting, influence exists?
• Is the person willing to meet with a committee,
thus admitting accountability to the Christian
41. Depending upon length of inactivity and other
factors suggested above, elders may determine to
hold the matter in abeyance. In such a case, they
would make a record of the person's questionable
conduct for the congregation file. When the individual
again shows interest in returning to the congregation,
they can clarify these matters."