Mandatory voting is a bad idea because it does not address the problem with corrupt races. You rig the election, people lose interest. Stop allowing the elections to be rigged, stop allowing political correctness to prevail, stop limiting choices to two lamestream politicians where everyone else is culled, you might get better voluntary turnout. As for the jokehovians, I believe back in 1999 they were allowed to vote but they could simply put whatever they want on that ballot. Placing a favorite or someone that has no chance of winning would be an option.
And who elected the scumbags in the Federal Reserve and all the agencies that seem to be running this country instead of Congress? Voting in a good president would not solve those issues. Look at what happened to the last truly good president (a Democrat, unlike the DUMP-o-CRAPs we have today), John F. Kennedy. He tried running the country the way it should have been run, and got shot for doing this. And where was the war that should have ensued against the Rothschilds that were responsible?