Every few centuries, religion has to change it's face.
There's always a plan B in the wings.
This religious house of cards is destined to fall. It has been an orchestrated plan all along.
But while people have been debating and arguing over religious dogma, the carcases of controversy designed to keep us occupied and blinded, the capstone elite have been silently moving their new plans to fruition.
The totalitarian Theocratic System aka Kingdom of God is a business venture. It is a reorganization between commerce, religion, and politics. But it has been whitewashed. Many will not recognize it. Well, not at first, anyway.
Look what is happening in the UK.
Common Purpose (CP) is a Charity, based in Great Britain, which creates ‘Future Leaders’ of society. CP selects individuals and ‘trains’ them to learn how society works, who 'pulls the levers of power' and how CP ‘graduates’ can use this knowledge to lead 'Outside Authority’.
Children, teenagers and adults have their prejudices removed. Graduates are ‘empowered’ to become ‘Leaders’ and work in ‘partnership’ with other CP graduates. CP claims to have trained some 30,000 adult graduates in UK and changed the lives of some 80,000 people, including schoolchildren and young people.
But evidence shows that Common Purpose is rather more than a Charity ‘empowering' people and communities’. In fact, CP is an elitest pro-EU political organisation helping to replace democracy in UK, and worldwide, with CP chosen ‘elite’ leaders. In truth, their hidden networks and political objectives are undermining and destroying our democratic society and are threatening ‘free will’ in adults, teenagers and children. Their work is funded by public money and big business, including international banks.