Most JWs dread the thought of never being talked to again by a fellow "brother" or "sister". The thought of being shunned by your flesh and blood keeps many Witnesses in the religion.
Is df'ing or dissasociation all that terrible??
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Most JWs dread the thought of never being talked to again by a fellow "brother" or "sister". The thought of being shunned by your flesh and blood keeps many Witnesses in the religion.
Is df'ing or dissasociation all that terrible??
I have never been df'd or da'd, I am not sure if it will be that bad if I get df'd after the possibility of me getting caught one day. I am not going to get da'd because I want to keep in touch with my JW family.
Not for me. It's not at all terrible. I took a stand for my integrity and will never regret it. I see how demoniacly awful they are and I'm glad to be out of it.
Of course, I had no family in the religion and only a couple of fairweather friends. Good riddance.
I DA myself and would do it again. Iam glad I took a stand. I did it for me,it gave me peace of mind.
No effects on family?
A couple of years after pulling my fade, I wrote my DA letter. I was emotionally and mentally and being physically out for years. I wanted to formally rebuke the org. I had sister that was still in about to get married to another JW so I hesitated. Glad I did, they turned out to be cool just going through the motions. It softened my folks up a lot seeing my fade and seeing her go to college get married but not interested in more than the bare minimums. I was actually in the wedding at the KH imagine that, LOL. Privatley I have been able to criticize the org and share my true beliefs without being an Apostate. I dont' think they'd be so open to my thoughts if I DA'd. I saved my DA letter 8 years ago and recently found it. I was going to save it till the day my last parent died and send it then. If my sis stays in I guess there goes that theory. We do lots of family stuff together and they let me bring my girlfriends around like normal family. I guess I am so faded they can count it as field service time when we are having a cook out. :) It's a win-win.
I've ben df'd and shunned by my mom for 21 years. I miss her, but freedom from the borg is worth it.
I still have my family, so I got off lightly.. I lost all my 'friends' though.. and I can't pretend. It hurt.
Yes, it is that bad....but a lot depends on how much time you have invested and how much family you have in. If it wasn't all that bad, you wouldn't have the mental and emotional distress, fear, guilt and the number of people you already do, who run back inside or kill themselves. Humans are by nature pack animals and social - the family unit is generally one that most are dependent on and bonded to regardless of distance. The suffering that is caused by an unnatural disassociation can be severe - and can have lasting implications on the well being of any person who is victimized, abused and/or abandoned. sammieswife.
for me being separated from the people who i shared life with for the first 30 years of my
life including family and friends has driven me to the point of attempting suicide, much
misery and brokenheartedness.
I have built a new life over the past 21 years, but can one really fill a 30 year hole
of one's life?