Vista's BSOD

by Robdar 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    My computer has been crashing for weeks. I finally got sick of it and bought a new one. It's a lovely computer but I am still having the BSOD. The screen blinks and then dumps memory. After all manners of aggravation in trying to figure out what is going on, I've decided the one corresponding factor is Vista Ultimate. I think I will have to convert back to XP.

    Is anybody else having trouble with Vista? Do you have any suggestions as to how I can fix this? I hope I can stay on line long enough to read the answers.

    Thank you for any suggestions....

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I've not used Vista, but in xp when you're getting BSOD it seems to always be a driver causing a problem. You can usually update drivers or uninstall them and the problem will go away. Good luck.

    Did you go to the temple tonight?

  • Robdar

    My son came over and tried all that and then some. Nothing is working. Thanks for your suggestion though.

    Nope, I did not go to temple tonight. I celebrated Shabbat at home. My candles are still burning and there is still some wine left in the kiddush cup. The wine I bought earlier today tastes like alcoholic kool aide. I guess that's what I get for buying a table wine made in Missouri.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Have you ran windows update? If so, was it ok before running update?

  • Robdar

    Yep. It's a new system and I am constantly getting updates. My son even downloaded a patch or something like that for me. Well, a partial patch. The damn thing crashed at 60 percent download. This is the longest I've been able to stay on so far....

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I've had windows patches cause my computers to crash before. I've started only downloading the specific ones I need for my applications, and only then if they're critical. Have you tried uninstalling the updates?

  • Robdar

    This time my son messed around for about 4 hours with this computer. And it was not his first house call for this thing. I think I recall him saying something about uninstalling some of the updates. But what do I know? I paid for his computer classes so he could worry with it, not me.

  • Robdar

    Too bad Beks isn't on line. Dat bitch knows everything.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Dat bitch knows everything.

    What she doesn't know, she makes up.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Yep. More than likely an update.

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