Whew!! I'm glad you're doing better!!
Lets Send Grace Our Good Thoughts and Well Wishes
by jamiebowers 61 Replies latest jw friends
((( Grace ))) <-- hugs for my favourite user
Witness007,Yeah I will remember AMBULANCE!!!!LOL
Yizuman. Thanks !! Remember our ride to the Airport..?
Snowbird.Yes but I think I hurt alot too, especially those I conned to be JW's
Quirky ...dont know for how long....Ugh!!
SIMON> "Saint Simon" to me !!! When you post things like that
you should include Kleenex's ....Any way my friend ,you were the
one that made it possible for me to have these "kid's" Friends..
My gratitude is so vast to you. Do cuddle Angie for me too -
John Doe
Trebor, do you know full of doubt now?
Yes I remember the ride to the airport. I'm glad I had that honor of taking you there.
Grace, I haven't been here for awhile, I didn't know you were having health problems. It's good to see you back on line
and please stay healthy, your a joy to have around.
Hamster....OXO. I love that drink especially with toast
Yiz!!! Thanks.!
Cawshun...Thanks glad your back. Well 82 is the time we
shrivel up....lol I am -
Grace, 82 is today's 62, you still look marvelous, happy and cheerful, stick around gal, your still a young lady! Do take care and don't ignore any sings that seem threatening. Hugs
I spoke to Grace last night to see how she was doing. She had gone to the hospital after having irregular heart beats and alot of muscle pains. Her back is killing her. During the conversation, she mentioned that the doctor had put her on Lipitor last week. Within 48 hours of her taking it, she suddenly had the problems I described above.
This sent off a red flag to me, because my father went through the exact same thing when the doctor put him on Lipitor. Horrible muscle pain that was so severe they gave him percocet for it. Plus we ended up rushing him to the hospital 5 times within 5 weeks as he felt like he was going to have a heart attack. We finally put two and two together, I looked up the side effects of Lipitor, he threw that shit out that night and never took it again. Within 1 week all the pain was gone.
Lipitor has horrible side effects which, for some reason, the doctors don't seem to warn their elderly patients about.