Perhaps we could bring this to a show down.
Why stop at wiki when few people notice that?
What if we took it upon ourselves to help them announce this new kingdom arrangement?
Suppose we make copies of wiki...esp. that specific paragraph...before they change it again.
What would happen if we called in radio talk shows to tell people they can stop worrying about Pres. Obama being the anti-christ, people can stop using the numerology-alphabet schemes to try to figure out the identity of THE anti-christ.....and that WT has just announced that the anti-christ is actually those who have shaken off the false teachings of the WT cult.
Yes folks, the WT headquarters has already weighed and presumptiously judged the hearts of millions and have taken it upon themselves to announce to the world that the identity of the anti-christ has come from JW teachings!
Suppose we expose this dominionist thinking and control for what it really is?
What would happen if we took this announcement to the street?