I'm a big fan of college. However I just have to wonder if sometimes the society isn't right about it. I mean are we devaluing the college education with this 'everyone should go' type mentality? It used to be that (from my understanding anyway) that you graduated high school able to do 80% or more of the jobs needed in the US. Certainly Dr's, Lawyers, indian chiefs had to go on to secondary school but things like secretaries, machine, electricians, plumbers, etc... You learned those trades 'on the job' and went off and made a living, supported your family, retired and died. Another cog in the wheel of life!
Now you can't shine shoes at the airport without a BS! People graduate high school unable to read and write! I mean a significant portion of the population can't read their bloody diploma! So of COURSE they have to go on to college to learn what they should have learned in HS! So when they get out of college (or flunk out) they are RIGHT where they would have been if they had not gone IN only with 25-65K (or more) in student loans! They have no real 'major' so they have no where to go and nothing to do. I mean for crying out loud a college degree is required REQUIRED to drive a fork lift? Seriously? To drive a flippin fork lift?
And the degree? I got the 'privilege' of helping an adjunct professor last year who lived in AZ to collect and mail papers to him for grading. So even though I wasn't a 'grader' I did sometimes look over the papers... PATHETIC! HORRIBLE! Here's a few (honest to god) paper titles 'What is up with society now an days...' 'Why I thinks that Bush ain't (friggin AIN'T on the title of a college paper) right...' And on and on... This wasn't some podunk school these kids were picking up credits for their JUNIOR year at UNF and UF, two pretty damn good schools!
I saw a statistic the other day that 47% of the population now has a BS... I saw another statistic math said the average IQ was 96... These two statistics seem very much at odds to me... Sure we need Dr's, sure we need lawyers, we even need master plumbers to run plumbing companies... However do we really need, REALLY need plumbers helpers with BAse and B's? Do we REQUIRE forklift drivers with masters degrees?
I mean couldn't some of the problem with society be that everyone feels like they need to be a millionaire despite being roughly the IQ of forest Gump? I don't mean to be elitist but come ON! If people would be willing to go to high school come out work for 5-7 years as an apprentice and then make 40-50k a year would all of our manufacturing be in india and china? Sure some things are going to go overseas but there is a DEMAND in the US right now for machinist the average machinist makes 60k a year that's pretty damn good for the US well above the average and NO ONE WILL DO HE JOB! It's hard to get a semi illiterate who has been convinced that he's the next shakespeare to learn to operate a press!
Don't even get me started on these fly-by-night schools like ITT tech or Concorde or whatever the hell that advertise during Jerry Springer (I work nights it's all that's on when I get home!) they charge 20k (which they are glad to finance!) and you get NOHTING! I mean you get a kick in the balls and a slap in the face and a 20k loan that you can't pay back... I mean go to studentloanjustice.org and look at that crap...
I don't know, I hope this made sense... I've got to go get some more of whatever this is I'm drinking...