My experience at the District Convention today - Appreciate your comments

by BonaFide 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BabaYaga

    They don't call them "revivals" for nothing.

    Oh, wait, they don't call them revivals. Well. I hope you get my point, regardless. The intended function of Jehovah's Witness Conventions are to leave the masses fired-up with indoctrination. It lasts a few hours, or a few days, and then the doubts, dread, and overwhelming fatigue return.

  • Vinny

    It's very simple here folks. No need to complicate anything.

    As long as a JW believes that that the JW religion is, "God's organization", and that the GB/Watchtower is, "God's Channel on earth", then every single assembly, every new release, every district convention/circuit and special day assembly; every single field service experience, circuit overseer visit, WT and awake magazine delivered (etc etc etc)... will bring excitement, encouragement and spiritual happiness to those that remain a part of that system.

    This is a proven fact again and again.

    The problem is once anybody takes those WT colored glasses off, and puts down the JW Kool-aid that is served at every opportunity, and sees things as they truly are, then EVERYTHING has an entirely different appearance and meaning amid better more honest and accurate lighting.

    Most people that I have known of, that realized the facts as they truly are (that WT is not God's anything, but instead all the mistakes, flip flops, blinking lights, medical disasters, prophetic failures, false predictions along with arrogant "we is the only truth and all others are false religion and doomed to death" that paint the REAL JW picture here).... cannot stand to sit through an entire meeting without feeling nausea and a real need to get out of there. (Including myself, wife and daughter once blinders were taken off).

    Seriously, once you know what we all now know, many folks cannot even stand sitting through one meeting.

    And the problem with approx 7 million JW's (including all those Bonafide says were crying and so inspired), is that they are told not to consider ANYTHING that is critical. Even if such information is 100 percent truthful and right under their own noses handed on a plate.

    You see folks, that is no way to live. It is called living in a box and creating your own little world of make-believe inside that box. And then when somebody wants to show you the reality of what you are doing, they cover their ears and eyes and throw all kinds of negative, hurtful and unfair labels on the one offering the true facts as they really are. This is not a healthy way to live and is in fact being dishonest. But it is a part of their worship (don't consider any critical info), and therefore very difficult to get through to them at all.

    But this is what Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists and too many others to count do on a daily basis. Avoiding the facts.

    It's what I DID for over 15 years. Just closed my eyes to the true facts and followed the Governing Body wherever they led me.

    But one day... the real truth got out and landed on my lap... all by accident.

    and then ... GREAT SCOTT MARTHA!!!!

    (The printed page tells it like it really is):

    But until that happens, as long as you believe everything that JW's tell you they are, then I was just like Bonafide's little group of experiences above: Happy, emotional, charged up and more. Many (if not most here) were like this too when active JW's.

    Open your eyes to the real facts as they honestly are (which most never do), and the whole deal collapses like a deck of cards.



  • penny2

    So true, Vinny!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Much of the 'evidence' presented by fellow ex-jws that the bOrg is about to collapse is wishful thinking.

    My illusions that I may have been easily able to get my family out have been dispelled.

    It doesn't seem to matter how controlling, predictable, or silly, talks from the platform are, it is all nectar from God for my family.



  • wobble

    I have come to the same conclusion,Chris, and find a calmness in no longer worrying about getting my loved ones out, if they are happy in it, then they can stay that way.

    I came accross another reason to stay in, a Brother said to me he needs the structure to stop him returning to being a selfish alcoholic, I think it is best he stays in too, for him and his family.



  • Johnnytwofeet

    If only this actually happened.

  • boyzone

    I've often thought about the Witness world and compared it to the Truman Show, remember that film with Jim Carrey? Its one of my favourites as it shows how easy it is to just accept the world we're presented with if there's nothing thats allowed to contradict what we see or hear.

    In the film, Truman starts to feel that all is not well with his world and wants to spread his wings. These doubts are fed by a girl he fell in love with who hated to see him tricked by the phoney world and warned him. She was forcebly removed from his life by the producer. Despite the manouvering to keep him in one place, he finally breaks free from the make believe world and enters the real. (a tearjerker moment!)

    At the meetings, and particularly the big conventions, the make believe world is presented in all its falseness. Those that are just starting to feel all is not right with the JW world,are quickly reassured and made to feel its all is ok again. However, give it a few days at most and they'll start to get the old feeling that all is not right again.

    Whether they act on those feelings remains to be seen. But Bonafide, in a sense you are the girl in this scenario. You are the one giving a warning that all is not well with the JW phoney world. Play it carefully and you will stay. Be bold and you will be removed.

    But getting your family out is up to them. They have to feel for themselves that all is not well. Then if you gently feed those doubts, they may wake up and step free. But you can only do so much, the rest is up to them.

    If you haven't seen the film, I'd recommend it. you're in for a treat!

  • steve2

    So, when all is said and done, what have the attendance figures been like compared to say, last year, or 5 years ago? And, are the baptisms on the rise, stagnant or declining at the conventions?

  • jookbeard

    I'm sure there are many hundreds of thousands of the Dubs who still have great zeal and still think that the WTS is being used by their evil destructive god Yahweh today, and an ass-embly like the ones taking place this summer bring out all those cult like emotions that these people have, TBH B/F that is probably the most inappropriate moment to ask those dubs in your car group how they felt about the drama and various moments as they are still in an emotional high about the so called spiritual food they have just received from their loving destructive father Yahweh, but I believe these quick fixes of spiritual heroin are very temporary and they soon hit the earth with a bump, I've said it before and I'll say it again we ain't going to see a fall of the WTS in our life time , it will come but not at least for another 50/60 years



    Well said Vinny!!!!!

    Yesterdays Watchtower said:"God's righteous ones also have to put up with the hatred and lies spread by opposers, but this has failed to silence true Christians and will continue to fail.”As usual no supporting arguments were presented to show why “opposers” are wrong in their opposition or what these “lies” are which they are spreading.Why does the WTS present zero evidence? Because they have succeeded in convincing their members that they are “Jah’s Organization” and are sure that their constant ‘admonition’ to be ‘obedient to Jah’ will prevent anybody from investigating alternative views. Its only when JW’s allow themselves to investigate what the opposing arguments are and see the man behind the curtain, that the joyfulness disappears and reality sets in...

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