Does anybody have a list of convention dates and a hi-res scan of a convention badge?
I remember all of those talks about behaving at assemblies and all of those talks about setting a good example.
What if people were to go to an assembly, looking exactly like a JW, but behaving like a JW could never get away with?
Going out for a smoke break. Visibly tuned out during sessions. Maybe playing on your iPhone, listening to MP3's, or just plain napping (pillow and all).
Maybe even rent a suite at one of the hotels on the JW list. Gather round the hotel bar, drinking, smoking, swearing, telling dirty jokes. Maybe have a choir going down the hallways at 1am, loudly (and drunkly) singing "We're Jehovah's Witnesses" and other Kingdom Melodies (or slightly modified funnier versions of them). Until we all get thrown out and JWs aren't welcome there anymore.
Alternately, an apostafest at one of the convention hotels...