Awake 1980 12/8 p.11- "Since the release of "the Exorcist" some years ago, many reports are on file of adverse effects it had on many who saw it. Mureen was an Athiest......"It was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. It was horrible. I could feel something was happening to me. I was shaking all over, and could barely manage to pick myself up from my seat to walk out....I was frightened to go to bed...I knew there was SOMETHING IN MY HOUSE as I could feel it with me where ever I went...."
Lucky she knew some Witnesses...studied, got baptized...zappo! Demons be gone! Also.....
Awake 1980 7/22 p.31 - "T.V triggers terror." - "When the movie "the Exorcist 2" was shown recently on U.S television, a mother and her 4 year old daugter in Whitchita Falls Texas reportedly watched it together. One scene is said to show the cutting out of a girls heart to get rid of a demon. The little girl in Texas was found murdered in this fashion. Her mother was charged with the homicide..."