I'm thinking of going to one this summer to research an article I want to write. Back in my time anybody could just walk in, but some recent threads sound like that might be hard to do. I'm also going to try to get a local paper to give me one time press credentials.
What happens if you show up at the DC with no badge?
by JeffT 32 Replies latest jw friends
I haven't been in about 5 years but as far as I know, it ain't no biggie...I didn't wear one for about the last ten years I was active.
you are first time visitor with no badge, they will warmly welcome you. (wink)
You don't need one to blend right in. Probably about 40% of the attendees don't wear a badge anyway. The only time I ever saw any different was when I had to check badges as an attendant for a convention at the Jersey City Assembly Hall.
Years ago... let's see... it must've been around 1998 or so... my daughter was getting baptized. She requested that I go to see her get baptized. I honored her request - and told her that I wasn't going to the assembly - but just for the baptism part.
I walked right in - no one stopped (or tried to) me. I made my way down to where they held the baptism in the basement - saw her get dunked - and left.
But of course... I knew all of the side doors to go in - and out - of.
Basically - their 'assemblies' are supposedly open to the public. You should not have any issues getting in - unless you are there making a disturbance - in which case - you'll be mobbed by a bunch of pimply-faced 'attendants' who will escort you to the nearest exit.
As a side note - I have found it easier to go in - after the meeting has started. Most folks (including those that may know you) are already seated - and very few are wandering around in the halls.
Good Luck.
Jim TX
I've been to DC's where they use the badge as a parking pass. If you didn't have the badge, you had to park in a different, farther away lot.
Well, they do "invite the public" and you can't expect them to have a badge. I never saw anyone turned away. They are suspicious about people who are smoking or are shabbily dressed or dirty.
Witness 007
You cant enter the secret room for the orgy!
Thanks guys. I intend no disruption at all. I want to get in and take some notes. I doubt any one will recognize me. I haven't been in a Kingdom Hall since 1988. In the intervening years I've gone bald and grown a beard, which is mosty grey. I'm working up an idea, I will share it when I have some more information.
The Attendants are told to watch out for those sans badges - until they are satisfied they are not intruders intending to cause trouble.
There is a video that was posted on this board, where a former brother was surrounded and hounded out of the DC by a "brother" whom he knew to be one of the filthiest hypocrites who taught him all the sins and evasions in the society that he knew.
Makes great viewing if you can find it.
The new board makes it hard,,,