Phrases NOT to say if you are in a judicial committee meeting for apostasy

by BonaFide 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brocephus

    If I could do it again. I'd show up with a deck of cards, a cooler of beer and light a Stoogie and start dealing Texas Hold Em!

  • Tuesday

    Hmmm... so things NOT to say in a Judicial Comittee meeting....

    "...So then I gave her a Cleveland Steamer."
    "I realized that me having faith in my religion being the only true one is no different than any other person having faith their religion is the only true one."
    "That's when I found myself worshipping a small bull made of solid gold"
    "It's hard not to come to the conclusion that everyone is in effect worshipping God for their own selfish desires."
    "If you take the bias out of the bible, it's pretty clear that Satan is actually God and Jehovah is the devil mascarading as God in the bible."
    "I looked behind me, naked from the waist down and I could've sworn Ted Jarasz winked at me as he climaxed"
    "Oh yeah, my eyes were like roadmaps."
    "So you'll see through the Watchtower's own requirements, the Faithful and Discreet Slave cannot be the Faithful and Discreet Slave."
    "I lifted my hands and I could see the deep red blood that can only be seen when you've squished someone's brain in your hands."
    "Beelzabub is actually one of the nicer demons, we finished off the blood ritual and went off to perform a couple of extreme late term abortions...they were 30."
    "Well I figured since blood components are a conscience matter and blood transfusions have only been made up of red blood cells since the early 80's and red blood cells are in fact only a blood component and not full blood, I could get a transfusion without any problem."
    "...Yeah just like a dog on a new carpet, I figured what the hell, why not?"

  • Amazing

    Tuesday ... good ones ... here are some ideas of what not to say ...

    • Oh, I thought that 'alternative service' meant that I could join the Reserves instead of active duty. Well, at least it's only for four years, then I get to go to college for free so that I can make good money and afford to Regular Pioneer when I graduate in 2013.
    • No, I would never believe in the Faithful and Discreet Slave, I'm only loyal to the Governing Body and Organization. Seeeee, I have my priorities straight!
    • I didn't know that Crisis of Conscience was apostate literature ... jeez, no wonder no one at the Kingdom Hall wanted a copy. That is why I had to give out all twenty copies at the door while out in Service last Saturday. Well, I need to make a correction on my time sheet for literature placements ...

  • oompa

    i found out that if you say you are sorry you are unable to believe or understand a certain subject...but that you wish you could...and that since you cant you feel they need to df you.......then they get really exhasperated because i guess i just took all their fun away......and then they dont want to df you...but will try to look forgiving to all and just reprove you publically............i had forgotten about pub reproof.....oompa

  • BluesBrother

    I think that this highlights a difference in culture between U S Dubs and the British ones . Bona Fide says that he sat on 2 apostasy J Committees. In 24 years as an elder over here I never did one or even heard of one..I have learned on this board that the attitude in U.S is more likely to hound the wavering one. Over here we they let them fade away.

    If I was before a committee I would try to present myself as a man in the class of James 5 14/15 (sick and doubting) rather than opposing. That is if I was wanting to remain in. of course. As has been said, by posing questions rather statements it should be possible to tie them up for hours, and as Bona Fide said...they really only want to get home and watch the TV .

  • BonaFide

    For some this is a pretty funny subject. But for some like myself, who have so many family and friends in that we want to rescue, it's a serious deal. Once the elders want to form a judicial committee with you, you better be ready.

    I guess everyone's circumstances are different. But for those that ARE being pursued by the elders, BE CAREFUL. Remember, as several have pointed out in the past, THEIR GOAL IS OFTEN TO GET YOU TO SAY YOU DON'T BELIEVE. That's it. So if you have no problem with that, go ahead.

    But if you DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH BEING DISFELLOWSHIPPED, then have a plan of action. Read all of these posts and other similar topics. Remember that when the elders ask you to "leave the room" they are going to go over the evidence against you.

    I wouldn't admit to anything. That puts the elders in a tough position. They have to have two witnesses, and witnesses often don't want to face Jehovah's judgment if they are wrong.

    Another thing I didn't mention is that you can write to the Society. In my area, we had a sister who defrauded several of the brothers at her place of employment. But she never showed her paperwork, she said it was confidential for her job, and the elders could never really pin her down. When one body of elders tried to, she wrote the Society. The Society of course sent her letter to the C.O., who told the elders to make sure they had the evidence first.

    They never could come up with actual proof.

    There are so many different ways things can happen with the elders because the system is flawed. So you might have a compassionate elder body, or a cruel one, or a mixed one, or a stupid one, or a vindictive one. What sometimes happens is that one of the elders prints out a certain article, and then the other elders look to him as the one who knows more, because he obviously did research and they didn't.

    Mostly, in my experience, the elders want to fix the situation and get out of there. They are looking for "humility." IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOU ARE 100 PERCENT RIGHT ABOUT ANYTHING, THE ELDERS ARE LOOKING FOR HUMILITY. So if IN THEIR VIEW YOU ARE NOT HUMBLE, you are asking for trouble.

    I remember once when we as an elder body dismissed the person from the room to discuss their situation, one of the elders said that it didn't seem that the person was repentant, BECAUSE HE WAS LEANING BACK IN HIS CHAIR. I am not kidding.

    So act humble. Say you are sorry. Remember that for a lot of elders, this is a power trip. They have no power outside the congregation. So if you don't bow down to them, they will hit you hard.

    I know these are rare circumstances, a JC being formed for apostasy, but you do not want to be disfellowshipped, but the reason I put this on here is to get all of our collective opinions and advice, and then if this happens to someone, we will at least go in there with some weapons and skills.


  • mkr32208

    I asked an elder to tell me what the unforgivable sin was so that I could commit it so that they would never have any reason to try to bring me back into the fold... Ever!

    That might be something you wouldn't want to say to the elders too! lol

  • undercover

    What if you refused to even go?

    I've been inactive for so long now, that if I got a call asking me to come to the hall to meet with the elders, I'd decline the invitation. The only authority they have is what you give them...and I ain't given' em anymore.

    I'm careful about staying under the radar since I have family still active and as long as I'm left alone, I pretty much leave well enough alone as far as they're concerned. I feel pretty good that as long as I'm not obviously creating a division then I'll be left alone. But, if, for some reason, I popped back up on the radar screen and they sent elders after me, hell if I'm gonna spend 5 hours on a Saturday night answering questions and trying to defend myself against a group of men that I no longer feel any need to answer to or justify my actions to.

    Maybe you ex-elders can answer...what happens if the person you're trying to subpoena refuses to show? Can they DF in absentia?

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    I still like the one I heard somewhere, when they call to invite you to the meeting, ask for the details, like when, and where, and then ask if any of the elders will be armed?

    C'mon that there is funny, I don't care who ya are!

    No Apologies


    The WBT$ give`s JW NoBody`s total rule,on thier little pile of WBT$ Shit.............JW`s will protect that little pile of WBT$ Shit.....Because..In the outside world,they will be NoBodys again.....Where else would they go?.................OUTLAW

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