He finally snatched the pebble from Master Khan's hand so now it is time for him to leave.....
David Carradine commits suicide
by John Doe 31 Replies latest jw friends
Source: http://southflorida.sun-sentinel.com/news/sfl-shooting-pompano-bn091009,0,4735760.story
Man who committed suicide in front of Broward Sheriff's station identified
By Robert Nolin and Alexia Campbell South Florida Sun Sentinel
10:24 AM EDT, June 11, 2009
POMPANO BEACH - The 78-year-old man who shot himself in front of the Broward Sheriff's Office district branch has been identified as Frederick Collins, of Pompano Beach, officials said.
After penning the most important explanation of his life Wednesday, Collins grabbed his cane, left his home and went to the district branch of the Broward Sheriff's Office.
By the parking lot, in a grassy area by a pond, Collins lifted a pistol to his head and fired. The crack of a gunshot rent the midday air.
An unidentified records specialist witnessed his final act. The cane and gun fell to the ground.Related links
After passing through his head, the bullet penetrated a second-story window. It landed on the floor near a secretary. She was unfazed.
"She continued to work," sheriff's spokesman Mike Jachles said.
No one else was in any apparent danger. While a Publix supermarket is nearby, the entrance area where the man took his own life is relatively secluded, separated from the street by a large parking lot.
The shot was fired at 12:21 p.m. Collins was pronounced dead at 1:28 p.m. at North Broward Medical Center.
The sheriff's spokesman did not divulge the contents of the suicide note later found in the man's home. "He just cited declining physical health," Jachles said.
The elderly man never tried to enter the District 11 station at 100 SW Third Street, only approaching to about 50 feet of the front door. That's where his cane and gun were found, lying on the lawn.
He apparently didn't want to run the chance of dying and nobody finding out.
"The man killed himself, and he wanted to do it somewhere he would be attended to and not go undiscovered," Jachles said.So there ya have it, seniors do have a high rate of suicides as one of the many articles posted out there in the news world. Except many also don't get printed. So it's kinda a toss up in numbers, lacking the actual numbers of unreported suicide deaths from seniors.