How can I prevent oil stains or clean the oil stains in my garage?

by asilentone 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • asilentone

    I would appreciate your helpful suggestions.

  • BabaYaga

    Kitty litter (clay kind) and Dawn dishwashing soap. The clay helps blot up the spill so you can sweep it away, and the Dawn is great at breaking up grease. Use the clay litter first, scrub and sweep it up, then squirt a good amount of Dawn down, add some water, scrub and rinse.

  • asilentone

    BabaYaga, Thank you for your suggestion! I have been thinking about painting the garage floor sometime this year, but I would need to know how to prevent oil stains in the future. Thanks!

  • Brocephus

    Stop parking your car in the garage.

  • asilentone

    I do not want to park my car outside of the garage! Next!

  • drwtsn32

    Fix the oil leak.

    Alternatively I have seen some people paint a special coating on their garage floor that makes it easy to clean.

  • beksbks

    There's some great epoxy stuff to paint the floor with, making clean up much easier. Plus it looks cool, and comes with sprinkles.

  • drwtsn32

    Yep, beks....that's exactly what I'm thinking of. My bro-in-law did it to his garage floor. It looks great!

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    There's some great epoxy stuff to paint the floor with, making clean up much easier. Plus it looks cool, and comes with sprinkles.

    I'm suprised you knew that. You can buy the stuff at any Home Depot. As far as cleaning up oil, the kitty litter that was mentioned works great. Sprinkle it on and let it soak the oil up, then just use a broom and dustpan to sweep it up. That will make it dry, but won't take the stain out.

  • drwtsn32

    Pour gasoline on the oil spot first, use a broom (that you don't care about) to sweep it around for good coverage, and then put kitty liter on top of it. I think that really helps get the oil out.

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