I know that this behaviour is duplicated on other types of board BUT;
... as xJW's we are very prone to arguing like propellers... what does 'arguing like a propeler' mean...? Step into one and find out...!
We were taught;
We have removed the JW bit, or most of us have, so subconsciously we still have elements of;
... in out world view. An opinion in not just an opinion, it is a moral stance.
Also, as JW's, we picked up the 'can never be wrongs'.
Do you think you can be a member of an Organisation which has, I think ONCE, in its history, acknowledged it may have got something slightly wrong (the rest of the time they were right at the time bu now is a new time with a new right, oh holy new light), and not have this rub off?
We also have 'disagree=bad', for anyone who disagrees with the Borg is bad, and we just pick up the habits...
Obviously neverJW's have 'right=good', 'disagree=bad' and 'never wrong' as parts of their personality, just as xJW's do, but I think we have more of it, and not only am I right, I'm good, you're bad just because you disagree with me as I cannot be wrong, okay?
Oh yeah, another factor is many JW's have the social skills of a stoat, and just sticking an x in front of the JW does not change this, you humongous bunch of turds.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...