A JW friend told me that a newly remodeled KH in the area has a big picture of Jesus with his hand extended in the entrance. Since it's a picture that is from the publications many say it's OK. Sounds really out of place to me. It tells me the JW's are going mainstream.
Picture of Jesus in the KH
by startingover 21 Replies latest jw friends
That seems really odd to me, too.
How about the "San Juan Congragation of Jehovah's Witnesses" in Citrus Heights, CA? That's right.. the "Saint John Congragation of Jehovah's Witnesses" (Several "spanish saint names are ok if it references a geographical location" congragations exist.. but damn the pagan origins of those... glass clinkers!) Lol.
- Lime
There is a almost life-size picture of Jesus with the woman at the well (From the Greatest man book) at the top of the stairs to the second level of the Jersey City Assembly Hall. (Stanley Theater)
there is photo?
only me
There was a large picture of Jesus in the foyer of our old Kingdom Hall. between two congregations. I don't have a picture and they have redecorated since we moved so I don't know if it's still there.
There are also murals of Jesus at the Assembly Hall I used to attend. And a creepy picture of children playing with a snake.
when does a mural become an idol, it's clear these are few and far between cases. there is an element of the pharasees telling Jesus his followers are working when they were just sifting grain with their fingers about this thread.
When I go into a church with a cross over the altar, incense around it and people are kneeling in front of it and doing signs of cross on their foreheads, wearing them around there necks, touching them when praying, singing praise to the cross I have no doubt it is idolatry but lets try and nit pick here.
There is a mural painting with Jesus at the Assembly Hall in San Antonio, TX well it's in Shertz right outside SA. Actually, it's quite a beautiful painting.
When I go into a church
Seems odd you are going into a church, OR maybe not!!
I think Reniaa has two personalities. One of them goes to the KH and another one goes to Church.
reinaa: "lets try and nit pick here."
It never ceases to amaze me how you continue to read and post on forums the leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses [aka Governing Body] admonish against. You continue to disobey. Do you enjoy "cherry picking" what to follow and what not to follow? Or do you just have your own brand of the Watchtower Society's Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs?
I recall hearing many times over in assemblies and public talks when the Watchtower Society wants to make the case against anything the phrase "if it even slightly smacks of" or "even if a subtle or slight hint of" or other similar expressions, that thing or action should be avoided. What we have here is another case of selectively applying counsel and direction whether it is on a personal level or here in the choice of decor. It is easily seen how such images and displays "smacks of" or "subtle" and "slight hint of" idolatry.
Of course, reinaa, true to your form you find a way to apply a statement or illustration form the Bible which fits your interpretation, explanation, or analogy of a situation or discussion. Not surprisingly though, as many Jehovah's Witnesses (including myself for many years) are able to do. Here's a couple more:
"He who is faithful in least is faithful in much".
"Get out of her".
"Do not touch the unclean thing".
See all the above can easily apply to just your one post here on this message.
1. You should not be reading or posting on these forums...Faithful in least.
2. Going into a church, eh... Get out of her...Do not touch the unclean thing.
Of course, if you continue to disobey the men in Brooklyn who claim to be a suggested Faithful and Discreet Slave "Class" you would have your own twist and justification for both your actions and you reasoning. Although you do realize that is everyone did what you are doing, congregations would be a more of a mess than they already are in. But I guess you presume to be an exception or special case that doesn't have to follow that direction from the faithful slave class.
Nonetheless, it is good that you are here posting...There's something/somewhere inside you that doubts and knows that as sincere as many of individual Jehovah's Witnesses may be...All is not right with the religion. The zeal and justification you have for it as well as your beliefs and actions remind me of many of my family members. Specifically, your reasoning and argument style is similar to my mother. Sadly, she along with my father and all my siblings are still a part of it, shunning me of course.
Hey, it took me 32 years...I hope for you the realization and ultimate departure of this cult-like religion is put behind you more sooner than later. Wishing you all best in your journey, reinna.