I left but now believe Jehovah's witnesses again, in many ways this site helped me because as a born in witness your right we do just accept many things without research and this site among others helped me when I wanted to decide whether to return by throwing all the questions at me that may come up in peoples minds regarding witnesses.
But I didn't do a half job I also looked at evolution and other christian religions, I started with the bible and went from there. Now I know despite much refinement that Jws are the Christian religion which mostly follows the bible they still have issues with understanding prophecy but even his appostles did on that score too. Prophecy tends only to be 100% on hindsight even to this day Jews reject Jesus because they say he failed prophecy becasue he didn't free them from the romans.
The bible taught me that trinity and hiding gods name was men's work not God's. I learned about aryans Christians that were around from Jesus's day that just wanted to believe in one God YHWH amd his son was his son Jesus, that trinitarian churches had burned all the papers from them to hide that many had believed in One God unlike trinity.
I am no greek scholar but what I researched backed up the witnesses unlike the initial thread poster opinion. learning that 'a god' was correct for John 1:1 learning that grammer was something that we decided on translation from greek. learning that the greek word that trinitarians always translate as worship could according to context just mean obeisance and so on.
The majority of you have decided to walk a different road than I have and I think you are wrong but I respect your opinions none the less you made me come to a greater understanding of the bible and for that I thank you.